Trump: Mexico Is ‘Abuser’ of the US; ‘America Has Had Enough!’ – IOTW Report

Trump: Mexico Is ‘Abuser’ of the US; ‘America Has Had Enough!’

Epoch Times: President Donald Trump on June 2 described Mexico as an “abuser” of the United States and offered an ultimatum: either stop the “invasion” along the southern border or U.S. companies will be “brought back” through new tariffs imposed on Mexican goods.

Trump made the comments in a string of early morning posts on Twitter following his announcement on May 30 that he is imposing a 5 percent tariff on Mexico, which would increase until Mexico starts taking action on the border crisis. Most of the illegal aliens coming across the border are coming through Mexico from Central America.

In Trump’s latest remarks, he outlined how Mexico hasn’t been treating the United States fairly, describing a turbulent relationship between the two countries. He ended one of his posts with “America has had enough!”

“People have been saying for years that we should talk to Mexico. The problem is that Mexico is an “abuser” of the United States, taking but never giving. It has been this way for decades,” he wrote.

“Either they stop the invasion of our Country by Drug Dealers, Cartels, Human Traffickers… Coyotes and Illegal Immigrants, which they can do very easily, or our many companies and jobs that have been foolishly allowed to move South of the Border, will be brought back into the United States through taxation (Tariffs).” more

11 Comments on Trump: Mexico Is ‘Abuser’ of the US; ‘America Has Had Enough!’

  1. He is not doing enough! This just sounds like political saber rattling. We need to get serious with these assholes, as of last year! Without formally announcing it, they have declared war on us. We need to defeat the BASTARDS!!

  2. Thank goodness. I live in Phoenix. Not a day goes by when I don’t hear Spanish spoken in public. I’m sick of the invasion. I hate it, yet there’s very little I can do. Vote for the baby-killing open borders communist or the squishy open borders closet Democrat.

  3. We are forward deployed in dozens of countries, why don’t we have troops forward deployed into the one country, Mexico, that is currently invading America? We should pull our troops out of Japan, Korea, Germany, etc. and place them 100 yards into Mexico.

  4. If it’s an invasion, and it is, the armed forces should be involved! They’re just going to keep playing the Politically Correct Violin (with the help of the DRATS) until they meet some real push-back! I think the sliding scale tariffs are a good idea, but I can’t help thinking that Uncle Xi Jinping will simply cover their losses in order to keep up the chaos!

  5. “America has had enough!” ~ there’s a campaign slogan, right there

    Enough! I’m so done with the ‘progression’ of the hate & murder of the Marxists within our country

  6. Time is growing short for Trump and his administration. The cornerstone of his campaign was “Build the Wall”. IOW, a defensive, protective measure for the US.

    Now, he is asking Mexico to get its house in order to stop the invasion. This is like asking the Soviets to be “Nice Guys” in the 1950’s. Screw that. Build the wall and assign armed-to-the-teeth troops to guard it.

    I am 100% with Ann Coulter on this. She has been dogging Trump for 2 years about the wall. I will not vote for Trump in 2020 if the wall is not substantially finished by then. He has a year and a half. That’s all I’m giving him.

  7. The one thing missing from many of these comments is the acknowledgement that POTUS Trump is, and always will, operate within existing laws. He’s not a dictator who can simply throw down his iron fist and declare what he will do if it’s just empty rhetoric. He’s hamstrung right now by the Democrat and RINOs’ insane immigration laws — many of the most egregious enacted under obama’s first term. Either we want a country of laws or we don’t. What he is doing is systematically running through every legal gambit at his disposal. If it’s not enough, then every single one of us needs to be out there finding candidates to primary those we need to get out of the Congress — the ones, like Amash, who will never support the Trump agenda.

  8. I don’t think we know just who is in charge of our own military, but I don’t think it is our own government. What needs to be done, and what should already have been done has NOT been implemented. Deep State is Communist. Globalists want the USA destroyed, and that is what is happening. What Trump has talked, he has not acted upon. Because he obviously can’t.

    Why President Trump is right to call out the troops.
    April 4, 2018 Daniel Greenfield

    “The United States has 14,000 troops in Afghanistan, 39,000 in Japan, 34,805 in Germany, 23,000 in South Korea, and around 5,200 in Iraq. Our military protects the borders of countless nations.

    Except our own.

    In 1919, we had 18,500 soldiers on the border. “Twice a day every foot of the border line is patrolled by cavalrymen and infantrymen,” the New York Times noted.

    A hundred years later, President Trump’s proposal to use the military to secure the border is controversial even though Marines fighting drug cartels have come under fire from drug smugglers.”

    “And the only ones defending us against them are the members of an outnumbered border patrol, threatened by both drug cartels on the other side of the border and sanctuary states in this country.

    That’s why President Trump is mobilizing the troops to do the job that the Democrats won’t do.”

    “Until we can have a wall and proper security, we’re going to be guarding our border with the military,” President Trump said.”

  9. And another thing: How can the American people know how bad the existing laws are if POTUS Trump simply started issuing EOs and fired up the military on the southern border? There are already several thousand military at the border.

    He’s doing it right, in my opinion. He’s showing Americans just how screwed up their lawmakers are concerning immigration. And, believe me, people who are finally back to work after nearly a decade of defeat under oblowme, are listening. They know where their jobs went, and they were told they were never coming back.

  10. Until he gets very serious about building the wall, I will suspect that the Koch brothers, the globalists, and the RINO’s have gotten to him.

    They are the powers behind the throne.


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