Veterans quit community meeting with Ocasio-Cortez after she annoys them something fierce – IOTW Report

Veterans quit community meeting with Ocasio-Cortez after she annoys them something fierce

American Thinker:

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has long had a problem with balancing her role as a national figurehead for socialism, and tending to the needs of her constituents in the Bronx and Queens. Polls show the locals aren’t impressed.

Now she’s stepped in it, going to a community meeting in the Bronx, presumably about community issues and talking about … Yemen.

And not just talking about Yemen in terms Yemen’s Iran-backed meddlers would like, if you really want to talk about Yemen, but speaking so ill of the U.S., its foreign policy, and its elected leader, President Trump, that at least some of the veterans in attendence walked out.


9 Comments on Veterans quit community meeting with Ocasio-Cortez after she annoys them something fierce

  1. She thinks the purpose of these community meetings is to educate her benighted constituents to the point where they begin to understand how lucky they are to have her bossing them. I guess her handlers have thrown up their hands by now. Or maybe her handlers, also being clueless marxists, have no idea how to actually, you know, represent a district.

  2. I get a sinking feeling when I see her.
    She cannot but fail upward.
    She may very well be President someday and I hope I depart this mortal coil prior to that day.


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