Salesforce Latest to Institute Corporate Gun Control – IOTW Report

Salesforce Latest to Institute Corporate Gun Control


Multibillion-dollar business software provider Salesforce announced on Thursday that it would no longer do business with anyone who legally sells certain firearms or ammunition magazines.

The corporation, worth around $120 billion, updated its Acceptable Use and External Facing Services Policy to ban anyone using their software from selling nearly all modern semiautomatic rifles and many other semiautomatic firearms. The policy outlines the kind of legal firearms and firearms accessories that cannot be sold using the company’s software. Those include any semiautomatic firearm that can accept a detachable magazine and any of the following features: “thumbhole stock, folding or telescoping stock, grenade launcher or flare launcher, flash or sound suppressor, forward pistol grip, pistol grip (in the case of a rifle) or second pistol grip (in the case of a pistol), barrel shroud.”

That criteria would preclude any retailer who works with Salesforce from selling AR-15s, the country’s most popular rifle, and nearly all modern rifles readily available in most states. The policy, however, goes further than banning just AR-15s and similar rifles. It also bans the sale of ammunition magazines capable of holding more than 10 rounds—magazines of that capacity or greater come standard with most handguns and rifles for sale in the United States.

The policy further bans the sale of flash suppressors—which also come standard on most modern rifles—threaded barrels capable of accepting flash or sound suppressors, thumbhole stocks, blueprints for so-called ghost guns, and a number of other firearm accessories or parts.

The move makes Salesforce, whose chairman and co-CEO Marc Benioff is a gun-control activist who donated a million dollars to March for Our Lives last year and called for a ban on AR-15s, the latest mega corporation to attempt to institute its own form of gun control on its customers. Citibank announced last year it would require its customers not to sell firearms to anyone under 21-years-old—a policy that has prompted discrimination lawsuits against retailers who have implemented it like Dick’s Sporting Goods and Walmart—nor sell so-called high capacity magazines. Bank of America similarly announced its customers would no longer be allowed to sell “military-style firearms” but didn’t define what the vague term meant.  more here

14 Comments on Salesforce Latest to Institute Corporate Gun Control

  1. Pluck em. Usually buy privately. Have all the 80% receivers I will ever need and capacity to mill them. When I can’t find 20 or 30 round mags, I will come up with shitloads of 10 rounders.

  2. This same idiot, if levied with some arbitrary distribution tax on his company’s products would squeal like a pig that his right to engage in a commercial enterprise was violated. “Our rights are sacrosanct, nothing is more crucial than the protection of our basic rights.”

  3. Why do people use Salesforce?
    We have it and it’s a clunky, tedious, slow mess.

    But it can measure your time buckets so…BFD.

    Having said that, all of those companies who used SFDC who are now cast out should file a class action restraint of trade lawsuit in reaction to this virtue signaled attack on civil rights.

  4. These people make “customer relationship management software”.

    I don’t want to be “managed’ if I’m a customer. I want to be supported. Not really seeing that for a long time now. Companies I do hundreds of thousands of dollars of purchasing with annually don’t know what I’ve bought, what I have deployed, what my shipping addresses are and to top it off ask me for my contact number every single time.

    If they are using CRMS, it either doesn’t work or is so cumbersome that it’s impossible for the new hires in sales or customer support to master before they move on to another job.

    I can do a better job with a manila folder containing hand written notes and copies of invoices. Here’s a pro tip for anybody considering such a system. Put more recent information/account activity on top of the papers already in the folder. That way the activity becomes chronological from top to bottom in the stack. Revolutionary idea, but strangely effective.

  5. Hmmm … what about the companies that do business with the gov’t?

    The spooks are always buying arms surreptitiously – does “Salesforce” remember Obola’s and Holder’s “Fast and Furious” arms transfers?
    They could be interfering with National Security and subject to prosecution.

    Poetic justice, anyone?

    “No good deed goes unpunished.”
    (Chinese proverb)

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. DP Dave – just as an FYI, Salesforce went down the Friday before last nationwide. Some were offline for days.

    These “one stop shops” are a curse.


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