Hillary Clinton Calls Bernie Sanders a Sore Loser: ‘He’ll Burn the Place Down’ – IOTW Report

Hillary Clinton Calls Bernie Sanders a Sore Loser: ‘He’ll Burn the Place Down’

Breitbart: Hillary Clinton has reportedly criticized 2020 presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), saying that her 2016 primary opponent would rather go scorched-earth than graciously lose a race.

In a recent “off the record” conversation with Page Six’s Cindy Adams, Clinton sounded off on the sprawling field of Democrat presidential candidates. According to Adams, Clinton has “no good words for Sanders, writing that the Obama-era secretary of state believes “Anyone overtaking him in a district considered his, he’ll burn the place down.”

Clinton has blamed her own election loss to President Trump on former President Barack Obama, fired FBI Director James Comey, the Democrat National Committee (DNC), and the nation of Russia. She has also blamed Sanders, who begrudgingly endorsed her, declaring at the time that she “will make an outstanding president.”  more here

26 Comments on Hillary Clinton Calls Bernie Sanders a Sore Loser: ‘He’ll Burn the Place Down’

  1. …I can’t WAIT to see what size house they buy him THIS time..

    Although it may end up being a one-room in-ground sleeper apartment, about 7′ long, 3′ wide, and 6′ under…

  2. Sounds like Killary may be gearing up for another Presidential run the way she’s been bashing some of the other Demon-o-cratic candidates & recently referred to herself as “Madame President” at a recent commencement speech for college graduates. If she does, she’ll probably have to pay people $1,000 each to attend her rallies.

  3. She so nasty. She even hates those that supported her (however weak their support). Jeepers, what a harridan, but a perfect candidate for feminists.

  4. @Pogo:

    …pay people $1,000 each to attend her rallies.

    Heck, pay me a grand and *I* would attend her rally!

    Of course, I’d eat a lot of beans, boiled eggs, and pickled cabbage earlier in the day.

  5. Will never be able to satiate this greedy ungrateful entity aka as Satan’s fluff er.
    And as always ‘fart in her general direction’.
    h/t Uncle Al
    Apologies to all,
    gotta go Ralph right now after this one,,,

  6. Hillary the arsonist knows about burning places down. She along with her media and deep state supporters have been setting the nation afire for over two years. The biggest sore azzed loser in our nation’s history.

    The ideal fire conditions prepared by Obama’s gang. Probably because they knew she was a horrible candidate whose massive corruption might not be enough to overcome her more massive negatives, and she’d be willing to toss lit matches everywhere if she lost.

  7. Watch, she’ll get a bunch of people to talk about him on hers and chelsea’s new show.
    What a slob. Why doesn’t he talk some crap about her?! He has nothing to lose by trashing her at this point. Barr is investigating her. Sanders could go on tour on that alone!

  8. This woman is so extremely narcissistic that she’s a case study. She’s completely devoid of any scrap of self awareness and she’s burning for revenge against those she sees as slighting her. She is homicidally deranged and it is recklessly irresponsible to continue to allow her loose in the public.


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