Maduro Tells Jorge Ramos: New Yorkers Have to Eat Garbage Like Venezuelans, Too – IOTW Report

Maduro Tells Jorge Ramos: New Yorkers Have to Eat Garbage Like Venezuelans, Too

Breitbart: Venezuelan dictator Nicolás Maduro told Univisión’s Jorge Ramos in a recently recovered confiscated interview that people in New York and Miami eat garbage just as they do in Venezuela.

Maduro also berated Ramos for being “right-wing” and not doing enough to “defend Latinos” in the United States.

The interview, which took place in Caracas’ Miraflores palace in February, aired Sunday after a socialist regime insider smuggled it out of the country and back to its original owners. Maduro let the interview last for nearly 20 minutes before ending it, walking away, and ordering Ramos and his team of journalists arrested. Venezuelan officials ultimately released Ramos but took his cellular phone and footage of the interview.

In a teaser clip of the interview released last week, Maduro accused Ramos – a Mexican immigrant living in the United States and vocal critic of President Donald Trump – of being a member of the “right-wing opposition” and having a pro-American agenda. The full video reveals that Maduro also accused Ramos of insufficiently criticizing the United States government, lying about the existence of political prisoners in the country, and claiming non-governmental organizations (NGOs) like Human Rights Watch are imperialist tools to undermine the Bolivarian Revolution.

Ramos enters the interview with a confrontational question, asking Maduro how he would like Ramos to refer to him since he is not the legitimate head of state of Venezuela.

“I only have one name,” Maduro responds, adding that he “legitimately arrived” at the presidency “by the popular vote … even if your network may show us as a corralled minority.”

The opposition, Maduro railed, “has a serious identity problem because they only recognize election results when they win.”

When Ramos challenges this claim by citing proof of irregularities in nearly every election since Maduro took power, Maduro attacks Ramos personally.

“You have a position against the Bolivarian Revolution. I respect it, you’re a right-wing opposition member who lives in Miami,” Maduro tells Ramos. “You are not a journalist, you know that … accept your role as an opposition militant.”

Maduro then claims that he accepted to speak to Ramos “because I knew it would be like this” and equates him with alleged Venezuelans in the United States who want “an invasion.”

Ramos attempts to shift gears by identifying concrete objections Venezuelans have to Maduro being president.

“There are still millions of Venezuelans who do not see you as legitimate, first of all because of election fraud and, second, because of the murders they ascribe to you,” Ramos noted.

“It’s pretty grave of you to accuse me of murder,” Maduro replies. MORE HERE

8 Comments on Maduro Tells Jorge Ramos: New Yorkers Have to Eat Garbage Like Venezuelans, Too

  1. Sure, I can see it. A well-dressed NY couple on the way back to their penthouse suite after a night at the theatre.

    Alice: George, see that dumpster over there. Be a sweetheart and see if you can find us a couple of filets in there.

    George: Alice, all I could find were a couple of fishheads and a half bottle of beer. That’ll have to do.

    Alice: George, you smell terrible!

    George: Yeah, there’s a lot of barf and snot in there. Dead rats too.

    Alice: Don’t worry dear, everybody has to eat garbage these days. It’s the price we must pay to live in a socialist paradise.

  2. maduro is scum. He is mess-appropriating Simon Bolivar’s good name, and based on other’s ignorance of that good man, saying he has the same goals. Nonsense.
    Simón José Antonio de la Santísima Trinidad Bolívar Palacios Ponte y Blanco was a Freemason, and never acted as maduro does, nor would he ever do so, for any reason whatsoever. maduro is a tyrant, and tyrants are to be opposed.
    “Bolivar proclaimed, to those who had the vision to see, the following Masonic principles as his life ebbed to the shores beyond: “all of you must work for the inestimable good of the Union; the people obeying the government in order to avoid anarchy; the ministers praying to heaven for guidance; and the military using its sword in defense of social guaranties. If my death contributes to the end of partisanship and the consolidation of the Union, I shall be lowered in peace into my grave.””


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