‘Green New Deal’ Author Sen. Ed Markey Broke ‘No Fossil Fuel Money’ Pledge – IOTW Report

‘Green New Deal’ Author Sen. Ed Markey Broke ‘No Fossil Fuel Money’ Pledge

Or, Sen. Malarkey, if you prefer.

Breitbart: Sen. Ed Markey (D-MA), one of the primary authors of the Green New Deal, took thousands of dollars from oil and gas lobbyists after publicly pledging to spurn “their dirty money.”

In December, Markey announced he was taking the No Fossil Fuel Money Pledge ahead of his 2020 reelection campaign. The pledge, a byproduct of the liberal group Oil Change USA, has become an environmental litmus test for Democratic candidates and elected officials. A majority of Democratic presidential candidates have taken the pledge, along with Markey’s fellow Green New Deal author, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY).

By signing, Markey promised to refuse campaign donations totaling more than $200 from executives, PACs, and lobbyists representing companies “whose primary business is the extraction, processing, distribution, or sale of oil, gas, or coal.”

In a video to accompany his announcement, Markey claimed the planet “is running a fever” and the only prescription is “to get fossil fuel money out of politics.”

“That’s the only way that we’re going to send a message that we’re putting the health of the planet, the health of families, over the health of profits of big polluting companies in our country,” the senator said as he signed the pledge. “I don’t need their dirty money, if they’re going to be dirtying up the world.”

“Just a guarantee that we’re going to have a fight to save the planet and the health of every family in the country,” he added while holding up the signed document for view.

Despite Markey’s strong denunciation of “dirty money,” the senator continued to accept contributions from registered oil and gas lobbyists throughout the first half of 2019. In fact, the majority of the contributions poured into Markey’s campaign after the Green New Deal was introduced in February. more here

6 Comments on ‘Green New Deal’ Author Sen. Ed Markey Broke ‘No Fossil Fuel Money’ Pledge

  1. Is lead considered a ‘Fossil Fuel’?
    Then let all true Patriots contribute any other fuel being projected at this Fossil anal orifice at a high velocity.

  2. To the extent that muslims are allowed to violate the Koran, so too are democrats allowed to bullshit and lie through their teeth.

    That gives them common ground which puts them both on the list of ‘Those That Need To Be Eliminated’.

  3. My fucking 300 turbo diesel from 1982 gets 26 miles per gallon. Ok, that’s pretty woeful. But it’s not. It would be better at 28. I don’t give a fuck what you say… that’s pretty good. It ain’t got no G-dless EPA petrol shit. No fucking electronics.

  4. Well, well, well … I guess that proves it … if it weren’t for lies and hypocrisy, the nihilists would have NOTHING!
    Markey’s been a resounding sack of shit since the mid-70s – another old, white, hypocrite who gets rich off of socialism – same as BS.

    Their sycophants never seem to catch on.
    (not surprisingly)

    izlamo delenda est …


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