Teacher Who Tweeted About Covington Student Leaves District With Payout, Vacation – IOTW Report

Teacher Who Tweeted About Covington Student Leaves District With Payout, Vacation


Michelle Grissom, a Colorado teacher who called a Covington Catholic student a member of the “Hitler Youth,” has left the school district with a payout and paid vacation.

Grissom came to an agreement with Douglas County School District last week in which she will receive $25,000 in addition to the 14 weeks of paid time off that she already received, according to KUSA television.

Earlier this year, Grissom stepped into controversy with her comments on social media about the Covington Catholic students. The students came under fire after a video of their tense encounter with a Native American man went viral. When the video began to go viral, Grissom wrongly identified a student at Covington Catholic as being the instigator. She proceeded to put his name online and called him “Hitler Youth.” The student named by Grissom was at a basketball game in Kentucky when he was accused, his family said. more

12 Comments on Teacher Who Tweeted About Covington Student Leaves District With Payout, Vacation

  1. It cost the school district a lot less, apparently, to pay her off than to settle a lawsuit on her behalf. I do hope she has been identified in the suit being brought by Covington’s lawyers.

  2. She got nothing.

    $25,000 and vacation is what she was owed anyway if she was working, and she wasn’t, she was on paid leave, and it’s Summer.

    She will forever be forbidden from working in the district ever again, and basically, her teaching career is OVER.

    On future applications, it will ask questions such as:

    “Have you ever been fired, or dismissed from a teaching job? When where, what were the circumstances?”

    Career over.

  3. We settled with an employee who had been there just over 4 months. $13k. I was on the phone interview with her back in January, she seemed qualified, but the moment she arrived she was way subpar. Oh, and she checked every box in discrimination bingo – older, overweight, disabled, minority. She had lawyered up, fortunately she signed the severance agreement and has cashed the check.
    We have brought on two people since, both temps through agencies. Working out great, but with them all we have to do is tell them not to come back tomorrow.

  4. Here is my “small world moment” which I may have shared before so I will give the strip down version.

    My daughter had Miss Grissom when she was in the 7th grade so we are talking about 6 years ago.

    Talk about a woman doing her best to indoctrinate her class. It provided lots of discussions for my daughter and I so I should be grateful for that. The finally was each student had to make a timeline of whatever topic they wanted. My daughter went with the “Arab Spring”. Now, I’m a history geek and I will say that I helped her acquire the information but she organized it made the time line put references for each point and had all the references attached to her project. I still remember one of the points she made was the Islamic Brotherhood who then running Egypt issued a decree that as the Ocean is assigned a male gender in the Arabic language any women caught swimming in the ocean would be stoned for Adultery and then she had an action photo of the Syrian Rebel eating the heart of a dead Syrian solider. It was brass knuckle truth bombs and Miss Grissom gave her a C.

    I made an appointment to see Miss Grissom and all of the projects were out on dissplay and my first questions was “show me what an A project looks like”. None of them had the supporting documentation like my daughter had. None of them had the detail or the depth. My daughter, after talking with her dad decided to start her time line Pre- Ottoman Empire and the over all theme was that part of the world has been ruled by despots and tyrants since the beginning of time and after the Arab Spring nothing has changed. Miss Grissom refused to show me what an A project looked like.

    We began to discuss my daughter’s project on content and merit. At one point she started talking about how she was in Turkey and the Arab Revolt there was a smashing success and then I asked her what do the people of Turkey self identify as? I then reminded her my daughter’s project was focused on the “Arab Spring” and not the “Turkish Spring”. She was arrogant, refused to acknowledge facts that disagreed with her narrative and probably had no clue that I was going easy on her because my goal was not to crush her but to have her give my daughter a proper grade. She upped the grade from a C to a B.

    What a joy it is to see her getting the ax.

    In her room she had a copy of the Koran. My daughter and I would talk about Sura 9 and all the spicy veruses calling for the death of apostates, infidels and Jews. I told my daughter she had my permission to get that copy, raise her hand and read the spicy stuff and then ask Miss Grissom to please explain how Islam is a R.O.P. We got a lot of laughs buy my daughter was too shy to do it.

    On last brag about my daughter. In the 6th grade whenever they started the Global Warming we-are-all-going-to-die it got to the point that they would just ignore my daughter raising her hand to ask a question because they could not answer her questions and her questions shattered the whole narrative like “why was the world warmer when there was dinosaurs but there were no people driving cars?” Or “what is the ‘right temperature? I mean the world used to be hotter than it is now and Minnesota used to be under a mile of Ice- is the right temperature warmer or colder than what it is today?”

    This was all a true story


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