Bernie Sanders finally mentions he is a Jew – to complain about ‘anti-Semitism’ in an article about his wealth – IOTW Report

Bernie Sanders finally mentions he is a Jew – to complain about ‘anti-Semitism’ in an article about his wealth

American Thinker:

Until it became useful for him to claim that being a victim of anti-Semitism, there is no visible evidence of Bernie Sanders embracing his Jewish heritage, and plenty of evidence of him avoiding it.  Daniel Greenfield yesterday pointed out:

Only Bernie Sanders could write an entire New York Times essay titled, I” Know Where I Came From. Does President Trump?” without mentioning Jewish.

Instead, in typical Bernie fashion, it describes his father as a Polish immigrant.

“My father came to this country from Poland at the age of 17 with barely a nickel in his pocket,” Sanders writes.

And that’s as close to the subject as he gets. He describes his father as an immigrant. That’s it. An immigrant from Poland.

It’s not just conservatives who have noticed, either.  In 2016, the New York Times published an article titled “Bernie Sanders Is Jewish, but He Doesn’t Like to Talk About It.”

When Senator Bernie Sanders thanked supporters for his landslide victory in the New Hampshire Democratic primary, he wistfully reminisced about his upbringing as “the son of a Polish immigrant who came to this country speaking no English and having no money.”

While the crowd cheered, Rabbi Michael Paley of New York was among many Jews watching the speech who were taken aback. He said he was surprised that the Vermont senator had not explicitly described his father as a “Polish Jewish immigrant,” a significant distinction given Poland’s checkered history with its Jewish population.

Bernie has been playing footsie (and worse) with the large and growing Jew-hating and Israel-hating faction of the Democratic Party, so the last thing he wanted was an embrace – or even a bare mention – of his Jewish heritage.  That romance with Jew-haters has continued into the current election cycle, with one of his key aides caught and forced to apologize for disseminating a common trope against American Jews, as Politico reported last March:

A spokeswoman for Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign apologized Tuesday after questioning whether the “American-Jewish community has a dual allegiance to the state of Israel” — a comment condemned by Jewish leaders across the political spectrum as having anti-Semitic overtones.

But apparently Bernie made the judgment that his friends on the Left hate fake socialists who become millionaires through politics more than they hate Jews.  The awkward fact is, Bernie is a great example of a man who went into politics purportedly to do good and ended up doing very well, indeed.  The same Politico that publicized the anti-Semitism of his aide just published an article on Bernie’s wealth, and Bernie suddenly has discovered that he is Jewish — and a victim of anti-Semitism.  more

7 Comments on Bernie Sanders finally mentions he is a Jew – to complain about ‘anti-Semitism’ in an article about his wealth

  1. I’m surprised he doesn’t fight back against the Jew-haters in his own party. You’d think they’d clean their tent first before going on a crusade against “nazis” lurking seemingly behind every red hat.


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