Anti-Trump AG sued for using Bloomberg-funded attorneys to promote a climate crusade – IOTW Report

Anti-Trump AG sued for using Bloomberg-funded attorneys to promote a climate crusade

DC: A Virginia-based law firm sued Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey Monday for using attorneys financed by former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg to engage in a climate crusade against Exxon Mobil.

Government Accountability & Oversight (GAO) filed the lawsuit against Healey for using two privately funded attorneys to focus on prosecuting oil and gas companies. The attorneys are paid through a $6 million grant from Bloomberg and have ties to the anti-Exxon campaign.

GAO, which is filing on behalf of Energy Policy Advocates (EPA), is seeking correspondence and documentation of the hiring and work of these attorneys. Healey, a Democrat, is a critic of President Donald Trump and has promised her constituents that she will work to prevent the president from opening up coasts for oil and gas drilling.

Bloomberg, a prominent Democratic donor, launched the Bloomberg Philanthropies in 2017 with a $6 million campaign to embed attorneys in AG offices to push back against Trump’s efforts to roll back environmental regulations.  more here

5 Comments on Anti-Trump AG sued for using Bloomberg-funded attorneys to promote a climate crusade

  1. I wish somebody would go after the crooked pols in Calif who destroyed the industry here.
    One of the arguments for shutting down drilling along the coast was that the drill rigs were eyesores. But windmills and thousands of acres of solar panels are somehow lovely.

  2. Back when Seattle was trying to do a bigger monorail system, the agency put every law firm in the state on retainer so there wouldn’t be anyone who could be use to sue them.

    Corrupt government in action.


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