Colorado River Basin snowpack so massive they’ve had to redraw the scale used to measure it – IOTW Report

Colorado River Basin snowpack so massive they’ve had to redraw the scale used to measure it

Ice Age Now:

Colorado River Basin snowpack so massive they’ve had to redraw the scale used to measure it

Upper Colorado River snow water equivalent (SWE) has become so massive they’ve had to redraw the scale used to measure it (percent of average values at the bottom of the graph):

There’s approximately still 10.8 inches (26 cm) of SWE left in the snowpack that feeds the mighty Colorado River which provides water to more than 40 million residents in Las Vegas, Phoenix, and southern California. The average SWE for today is usually seen on May 10th.

We’re a month behind normal with the melt season, in part due to the massive amounts of precipitation that fell this winter (a NON-El Niño year, I might add) combined with well below normal temperatures in April and May. Eastern Nevada still has over 13 inches (33 cm) of SWE, all of which feeds into Lake Mead.  more here

12 Comments on Colorado River Basin snowpack so massive they’ve had to redraw the scale used to measure it

  1. More proof of globull warming! Our Joey will have to plagiarize somebody to explain this lack of cooperation from Mother Nature! Paging Neil Kinnock!

  2. I get a good view of the Front Range and have never seen this much snow in June. A week of hot weather and there will be some creeks out of their banks.

  3. The plot indicates a snowy late winter and spring. Same is true in the NW. I’m thinking we’ll see more snowpacks like this during a prolonged solar minimum.

  4. Let’s see.
    The Oceans are falling and the SWE is rising.
    The Sun’s energy is being absorbed into the bottom of the Indian Ocean.
    The “paradox” of Globaloney Warming is that the Earth Freezes.
    “Man-made” CO2 affects the “environment” though “natural” CO2 doesn’t.
    Termite farts good; cow farts bad.
    The “Ozone Layer” is shielding the Earth from vital radiation bands even though ozone is a temporary Oxygen state.

    There was a rage in the 50s over “windshield pitting.” Somebody “discovered” windshield pitting and duly wrote about it in some scientific journal, which the press discovered and publicized. People panicked. “Windshield pitting” was discovered to be much more widespread than anyone had ever imagined – it was happening virtually everywhere!
    Turns out, people started looking AT their windshields instead of THROUGH them.

    We’ve refined measurement to the point that we can apply nano, pico, and femto prefixes with confidence – though that brings us no closer to understanding the nature of things – or the designs of God.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. OMG ! Honey grab the kids, food and bug out bag, we’re headed to the Mountains, uhhhh No, snow pack. OK, We’re heading to the valleys, uhhhh No floods. OK, we’re headed to the plains, uhhh No, tornadoes.
    OK, we’re headed to the coast, uhhh NO hurricanes.
    Hey Honey fix me a sammich would you, we’ll stay right here.

  6. Was just up in the Sangre de Christos – all the rivers are still so swollen the fishing season is still probably a month away, and the higher elevations just got more on wed.

  7. Whatever (bad) happens, it’s our fault, and a new fiat currency – carbon credits – is our Penance. Al Goracle just happens to have several Billion for sale….


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