Bizarre Democratic Politics in the D.C. Suburbs – IOTW Report

Bizarre Democratic Politics in the D.C. Suburbs


In the Democratic primary race for commonwealth attorney in Arlington, Virginia, the prevailing principle seems to be that no good deed goes unpunished.

The moderate, much-admired Democrat incumbent, Theo Stamos, is being challenged in the primary by an unqualified radical lawyer whose campaign is being funded largely from outside the area and who has spouted one falsehood after another. She is also strangely clueless about local priorities.

Stamos, who has served eight years in the Arlington-Falls Church district, is widely regarded as sensible, moderate, and competent. Residents are overwhelmingly satisfied with law enforcement.

Stamos’s opponent in the primary, Parisa Dehghani-Tafti, is a radical, left-wing “victim’s rights” advocate who has never tried a single case in a Virginia courtroom and seems to have no desire to prosecute anyone other than possibly “racists” and “corporate interests.” Her big issues are “racial inequality” in the courts and jails; withholding prosecution of minor drug crimes (she has announced that she will not bring charges for marijuana possession); the “school-to-prison pipeline” (which is virtually non-existent in the largely middle- and upper-middle-class district); and “police brutality,” which she alleges is not being pursued by incumbent Stamos.

Tafti cites only one case in which a man was killed by a shot in the back by police. But the incident was intensively investigated, with the authorities concluding that the man who was shot had viciously attacked an officer with a metal bar and was turned around by the force of his own blow and a first bullet in his arm. That hasn’t stopped her from condemning Stamos as a racist. MORE HERE

9 Comments on Bizarre Democratic Politics in the D.C. Suburbs

  1. I call it O-C Disorder, and it is becoming common everywhere, even in my Georgia district: the Dems find a know-nothing with radical cachet and/or a sad personal story, and they parachute the person into whatever district closest fits the narrative. Then they back those candidates with imported money and lie about the actual residence of these candidates if necessary.

    The Democrat mantra used to be, “All politics is local”. Now, in the Age of Soros, their new mantra is, “All local politics is global”. Got a Green Card? Go run Greensboro. Got a Work Visa? Go run West Virginia. Let Gyorgi show you how.

  2. Too often now when you follow the money the end of the trail leads to George Soros and his two sons. He and his sons Jonathon and Alexander really have to go. Maybe stripped of their assets and dropped off in a jungle in Brazil. Maybe it’s time for Mueller-like investigation/witch-hunt of the entire lives of the three of them except this time crimes will be found. I do believe they’ve broken election laws, bribed officials, defrauded people, interfered with sovereign governments operations and likely a host of others crimes. They really do need to leave permanently.

  3. This is how muzzie’s get into office. They use plentiful terrorist funds to win elections into any office available. Then they fundamentally transform the nation from within. 0bama was one.


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