Caravan Organizers Demand Money from Migrants, Say Mexican Police – IOTW Report

Caravan Organizers Demand Money from Migrants, Say Mexican Police

Breitbart: Mexican authorities arrested two men suspected of promoting and organizing the migrant caravans that moved thousands of migrants from Central America to the U.S. border. Officials claim that the two men demanded money from Central American migrants in exchange for getting them illegally into the U.S.

Mexico’s Attorney General’s Office announced the arrest of Irineo Mujica and Cristobal Sanchez during operations in the border state of Sonora and in Mexico City. Mexican officials only identified the two men by their first names.  Authorities have charged the two men with human smuggling. In the case of Irineo Mujica, authorities have added the additional penalties of child smuggling.

The case against the two men began after multiple migrants presented formal complaints before Mexican ministerial agents claiming the two men demanded various amounts of money for allowing them to illegally move through Mexico with the intent of entering the U.S., the statement from Mexico’s FGR revealed.

Prosecutors presented the information to a judge in the Mexican state of Chiapas who issued the arrest warrants.

In response to the arrest, the cross-border activist group Pueblo Sin Fronteras called out the Mexican government and issued a call for help in an attempt to get governments officials to intervene on Mujica’s and Sanchez’s behalf.  more here

9 Comments on Caravan Organizers Demand Money from Migrants, Say Mexican Police

  1. Speaking of the Chinese…..

    This a-hole (US citizen), smuggling 2 Chinese nationals through a “border entry checkpoint” was instructed to pull over for enhanced search. That he thought it a good idea to fire on BP, was the last stupid decision he made.

    How, as parents, do you explain this to mourners at his funeral?

    This isn’t just Mexican coyotes, there’s plenty of Americans making a load of money too.


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