Peggy Noonan and snob rule – IOTW Report

Peggy Noonan and snob rule

American Thinker:

I always peruse Peggy Noonan’s “Declarations” column in the weekend Wall Street Journal.  I read it not to be informed of the political issues facing our country or for sage political advice.  Nor do I find much intelligent policy analysis in her essays.  What I do find, which rarely disappoints, is a perfect reading of the wafting winds of America’s elite.  For Noonan is a combination barometer and well oiled weathervane of the establishment.

Peggy Noonan’s claim to fame is that she served as a speechwriter for President Reagan.  She has been reminding everyone since and is playing out that presidential association longer than anyone since Pierre Salinger.

Noonan, the alleged Reagan revolutionary, supported Obama for president in 2008 and discharges most of her vitriol at Republicans.  Thus, Sarah Palin is a “nincompoop” and a represents a “new vulgarization” of politics.  Proper Peggy attacked Mitt Romney as “an incompetent,” and she really loses it in her begrudgery of President Trump.  Didn’t Ronald Reagan preach never to speak ill of another Republican?

When Noonan appears on television, she’s all teeth and chatter, coming out with choice inanities that today pass for substantial journalism.  On Meet the Press last December, Noonan declared, “Trump’s world is filled with bugs and spiders and worms.”

In last week’s column, Noonan urged that Trump be censured rather than impeached.  Why should Trump be censured?  He has committed no crime.  And he’s not been charged with one.  Well, it’s because Peggy and her elite friends don’t like him!  Peggy looks down her aquiline nose, pronouncing snidely, “He’s lowered things.”

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h/t Forcibly Deranged.

16 Comments on Peggy Noonan and snob rule

  1. Peggy ‘dried up’ who?? Another one that should STFU.

    Likes being on camera with the flowing GRAY hair.

    Have not paid attention to in many many years.

    Sorry Peg…

  2. Noonan sees herself as erudite and sophisticated. What we see is a vacuous and boring snob who only appeals to a small following that’s equally boring and envious. As long as she’s critical of the president she’ll remain another tool used by like minded ankle biters.

  3. “Trump’s world is filled with bugs and spiders and worms.”
    Well, she was right. DC is full of these DS denizens.
    She forgot to mention that he is crushing them under
    his size 12 presidential bug smashers.

  4. Heh heh … the Aristocracy of King John’s time warred with one another to the detriment of the peasantry.

    Our political parties assume to do the same.

    President Trump has spoken up for the peasants (that’s us) and has the fortitude to pursue his agenda – which pisses off both parties (both sides of OUR Aristocracy). Noonan presumes that her opinions matter because she lives in that illusory bubble of fantasy which reflects all light back on the one sitting in the middle of the bubble – making her oblivious to reality – she perceives only distorted images of herself wherever she looks. Similarly to most of the chattering maggots in NYC, Boston, DC, Philly, Chicago, and the other bastions of socialism.

    Pity her. She is aware of what she’s abandoned … and what she embraces.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Makes you wonder how she got a job writing speeches for Reagan. She probably didn’t approve of him at all–I’d be surprised if she voted for him in the 1980 Primaries–but had the good sense to keep her mouth shut about it.

  6. Speaking of Noonan and her ilk:
    “I don’t trust anyone who is nice to me but rude to the waiter. Because they would treat me the same way if I were in that position.”
    Muhammad Ali.
    “Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee”


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