New York man arrested after Islamic terrorist plot – IOTW Report

New York man arrested after Islamic terrorist plot

ONN: NEW YORK (June 7, 2019) — A New York City man plotted to use guns, grenades and suicide vests in a planned Islamic terrorist attack on Times Square, federal prosecutors said Friday.

Ashiqul Alam was arrested Thursday after arranging through an undercover agent to buy a pair of pistols whose serial numbers had been obliterated, prosecutors said. Alam also discussed buying a silencer, ammunition and hand grenades, which he said could each “take out at least eight people,” prosecutors said.

Alam, 22, of Queens, was expected to be arraigned Friday on weapons-related offenses, but court documents filed in connection with the case describe months of plotting for a terrorist attack aimed at killing civilians and law enforcement officers in Times Square.

Alam started speaking with the undercover agent about his plans last August and went with him on a reconnaissance trip to the bustling Manhattan tourist district in January, the documents said.

Alam “repeatedly expressed interest in purchasing firearms and explosives for a terrorist attack in the New York City area” and spoke about terrorist organizations including ISIS during conversations with the undercover agent, the court documents said.  more here

7 Comments on New York man arrested after Islamic terrorist plot

  1. 30 generations of hump hump
    my cousin… grenades are being used
    by Mexy drug cartels. How long before
    they show up in South Chicago,New York,Etc….

  2. Good thing the FBI was there to help him along. This was a budget measure, not a law enforcement issue.

    Were it otherwise, you bounce the idiot out of the country as soon as he verbalizes his wishes. But nope, you dedicate a dozen people to the ongoing entrapment and tell congress you need more money to expand your obviously successful programs that are “protecting America”.

    We have a half dozen federal agencies DOING THE EXACT SAME THING.


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