Ramadan 2019 Even Deadlier than 2018 – IOTW Report

Ramadan 2019 Even Deadlier than 2018

Geller Report:  Ramadan is the “the month of conquest and jihad.” Muslim religious leaders have long exhorted devout (active) Muslims to use the holy month of Ramadan as a sacred opportunity to attack non-Muslim infidels in “the United States and Europe.” Ramadan is “the month of conquest and jihad,” and encourages Muslims to “be ready” to attack the infidels in their own lands.

A jihad group explained it back in 2012: “The month of Ramadan is a month of holy war and death for Allah. It is a month for fighting the enemies of Allah and God’s messenger, the Jews and their American facilitators.” Referring to a jihad attack that happened at that time, the message continued: “One of our groups aided by Allah managed to bomb a bus full of Jewish tourists, plunderers of holy lands, after careful tracking. The holy war is not confined to a particular arena and we shall fight the Jews and the Americans until they leave the land of Islam.”

During Ramadan, Muslims are exhorted to renew and deepen their devotion to Allah. Hence it is a time when they’re supposed to grow more generous and kind toward their fellow Muslims. However, the Qur’an says: “Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, and those who are with him are severe against disbelievers, and merciful among themselves” (48:29). If the Ramadan imperative is to become more devout, the Muslim who applies himself diligently to the Ramadan observance will simultaneously become more both merciful to his fellow Muslims and more severe against the unbelievers.


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10 Comments on Ramadan 2019 Even Deadlier than 2018

  1. thats like Christians go on killing sprees in month of December. Just a complete and total opposite of what the God and Creator of the Universe says.

    Why would that be? Any theories from you atheists out there?

  2. Whenever I hear people say, “Those Zionist Jews are plotting to take over this land or that” I just throw up my hands and say, “SO F****ING WHAT!?” Those are areas muslims live on, who the heck cares if Jews take it over, they’d be doing the world a favor. Sheesh!

  3. The normally homicidal cretins gather yearly to whip themselves into a frenzy that supercharges their lust for bloody carnage.
    When will someone at the control switch finally lob a fuel air bomb dead center at their gathering and eliminate a large portion of the worldwide scourge?

  4. Murdering, muzloid mayhem due to their indoctrination and indeed baked-in (genetic) belief of iSlamic Supremacy. There ain’t a nickel’s worth of difference between the muslim brotherhood, ISIS, or whutever they’re calling themselves… this week… and the Nazi Party of old Germany. Their so-called brand of “religion” is simply Fascism hiding under the umbrella of a “religion” which is Hell-bent on world domination by Arab supremacists by being the world’s master “religion”.
    2019 Ramadan score:
    1,006 Wounded
    911 Killed
    All other religions: 0

    Even a Libtard should be able to figure those figures!!
    Tell me again how they’re not crazy enough to use a nuclear bomb!


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