This Should Trigger Some Lefties: Ginsburg Praises Kavanaugh – IOTW Report

This Should Trigger Some Lefties: Ginsburg Praises Kavanaugh

Diogenes’ Middle Finger: In a rare moment of honest recognition, Supreme Court Justice Ruth Buzzy Ginsburg praised Justice Brett Kavanaugh in her prepared remarks at today’s Second Circuit Judicial Conference. She noted that after Kavanaugh was confirmed the number of female Supreme Court clerks reached an all-time high, given his staffing choices:

“Justice Kavanaugh made history by bringing on board an all-female law clerk crew. Thanks to his selections, the Court has this Term, for the first time ever, more women than men serving as law clerks.”

In their perceived prefect world, this should make liberals & feminist shout from the mountain tops! MORE HERE

13 Comments on This Should Trigger Some Lefties: Ginsburg Praises Kavanaugh

  1. I don’t know if it triggers libs but it sends up warning flares for me. If that committed loon finds reason to praise him it’s because she sees some hope in that he’s a possible swing vote in her direction. He’s delivered a hint of his questionable decision making with his recent vote.
    Also the idea that he has an all female staff shows a point of view that hints of PC.
    He’s one that bears watching closely.

  2. This woman has never shown the sound judgement to add any weight to the decisions made on serious issues. She sees nothing but victims to rescue, be it women, minorities or some other creation. She blows the exceptions all out of proportion to justify her need to act on her impulses.
    She’s slaying dragons that only exist in her imagination.

  3. If anyone does not believe that brett did this on purpose then they have been drinking too much libertard koolaid to see the truth that while the ancient old crone tried to steel the spotlight from HIM actually doing it, HE (brett) will be the one remembered for DOING IT…. not the old gasbag.

    I really wish someone would expose her for the robot/clone she is so Trump can pick another conservative judge before 2020…. it would make so many snowflake tears that new industries could arise selling them cheap!!!

  4. First off, having an all-female law crew just tells me that Kavanaugh also buys into that identity politics crap, not something to be applauded.

    And of course RBG likes him, he fooled Trump and the rest of us. So far he is looking like another Stephen Breyer, a GOP hire that changed his spots and now swings left.

  5. RBG is dead, but the charade continues with the hope that DJT will be out in 2020.

    If he’s re-elected, they’re going to have to open the sarcophagus and reveal her mummified corpse.

    Meanwhile, she’s competing with Helen Thomas down here as the “Most Frightening Dance Partner” on Saturday Hootenhellnanny Nights.

    I kid you not. 👿


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