Delingpole: DOCTOR WHO Writer Banned for ‘Transphobic’ Views – IOTW Report

Delingpole: DOCTOR WHO Writer Banned for ‘Transphobic’ Views

Breitbart Europe:

Woke Doctor Who fans have had a Doctor Who writer removed from a short story collection because he holds incorrect views about transgender issues.

Why am I not surprised?

I’m so old that I can actually remember a time when Doctor Who was a children’s TV programme rather than a political indoctrination class for budding Social Justice Warriors.

But, as we know, that Tardis flew long ago.

Even as long ago as 2005, Doctor Who was eagerly introducing us to possibly UK kiddy TV’s first out bisexual — Captain Jack Harkness (John Barrowman).

Then, it went a step further by explaining to us that actually Captain Jack is not really bisexual because in the future everyone has realised that sexuality is just a social construct so people can date whoever they want…

Since then, Doctor Who has successfully managed to shed large numbers of viewers by turning every episode into a United Colours of Benetton advert in which even Victorian England is depicted as a paradigm of diversity (“history’s a whitewash” we were told), by making every other character gay or disabled,  and by ensuring that Doctor Who himself has had all his toxic masculinity removed by being turned into a woman.

Now, Doctor Who fans have taken this wokeness to whole new levels by sacking one of its writers from a short story collection — as a punishment for holding incorrect views on transgender people.  more here

7 Comments on Delingpole: DOCTOR WHO Writer Banned for ‘Transphobic’ Views

  1. From the start the times I tried to watch this I thought of it as Dr. Huh? Decades since it makes sense of why James Cordon, John Oliver,,, (list too long), of unfunny British trash comes to the US because they cannot make a wage in their own countries.
    P.S. Don’t leave Australia out as well,,
    Jim Jeffries

  2. I watched Doctor Who when I was a kid. It came on before Monty Python’s Flying Circus. Time travel! British accents!! Then, without me watching, it evolved. Geek culture became cool and then it got woke now it’s insufferable. Lefties ruin everything.

  3. I am not a fan of the new female Dr. Who. Tom Baker was the best Dr. Who in my opinion and Sarah Jane Smith his traveling companion was a hottie. The Gayleks could yell EXTERMINATE and my you look fabulous before they disintegrate their enemies and maybe they can all have a gay old time with the Cybermen or worse the Weeping Angels which are totally altogether creepy..


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