Socialists distrust freedom – IOTW Report

Socialists distrust freedom

Canada Free Press:

I can see clearly now. For many years, the left worked an elaborate shell game, pushing socialist ideas while denying any affection for socialism or its prophet, Karl Marx. The American public had rightfully been suspicious of socialism, having seen thug socialist regimes in the Soviet Union, Fascist Italy, Nazi Germany, Eastern Europe, China, North Korea, Cuba, and other places take power, then turn to regimentation, oppression, and, ultimately, mass murder. They are the grisly legacy of the 20th Century, the Century of Socialist Warfare.


Socialist adopted words like “fairness” and “progressive” and “equal” to describe their proposals

While those examples of socialist governments played out their morality tales and filled their rivers of human blood, leftists and Progressives and their Democrat successors began denying that the bloodletting had anything to do with ‘real’ socialism. When the evidence was undeniable, they said that those regimes made mistakes that caused them to fail. Under true socialism, universal human happiness would be the norm, and poverty would disappear. In debates, those pushing socialist ideas knew it was fatal to admit any fondness for socialism, so they denied it. They adopted words like “fairness” and “progressive” and “equal” to describe their proposals.


Then in 2016, when leftists were blissfully expecting the election of another crypto-socialist to follow the crypto-socialist Obama, the bottom fell out of their world. They had barely been able to contain their excitement and glee as the 44th president destroyed American prestige around the world, ballooned the national debt, weaponized numerous federal agencies against political enemies, threw the doors open to illegal immigration, illegal drugs, and terrorists, and pushed the heavy hand of government further and further into the lives of every American. Progressives had always seen the American Constitution and its traditions as the main obstacle to their hopes for domination and control over the rest of us. Contempt for the Constitution and for the American people meant that a socialist future lay just over the horizon, if they could bring two more terms of a true-believer socialist in the White House with the 2016 election. They were so close!

Then Donald Trump won the presidency. The first reaction was shock and denial. Trump was the perfect enemy for Progressives. He was a plutocrat, after all. He’s rich, they hissed. He must have stolen the election! That idea failed. Others launched a coup attempt, confidently expecting to trap the president-elect in their snares. They used every trick in the book for two straight years, then their hand-picked henchmen finished their great inquisition with a humiliating admission: “Cheeeeeee!! Uh, we got nuthin.’ But maybe somebody else can nail him for “obstruction of justice.”  more here

8 Comments on Socialists distrust freedom

  1. New technologies are always first used by the elite for their gain, whether it be war technologies or computer technologies. In the case of war technologies secrecy is key. This is also likely the case with artificial intelligence which has already been here quite a while unbeknownst to most. With the advent of the new quasi-sciences of psychology and sociology and enough gathered information super computers have created programs that enable the elite to manipulate and control entire populations by controlling their values and what they think. This would involve government, the media, entertainment, academia, culture, etc. The experiments that governments have done concerning mind control (MK Ultra, remote viewing, LSD, etc.) were started in the 1950s and 60s. Since then they have put a lid on their experiments and I firmly doubt that they stopped. Western society has been “Skinner’s rat box” for the devious elite and they’ve had their way with the population for decades (“Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain”). However, there is always a parallel good to evil and people are waking up. The mask is coming off and it’s going to come to a head.

  2. “The only way to make a profit under socialism, is to steal.”
    Milton Freedman.
    Bernie Sanders got his first job at age 52. He became a Mayor. Now he’s a millionaire. Go figure.

  3. Almost the very first thing The Socialist Workers’s Party did after wining the ’32 election was make owning guns illegal – except for NAZI’s!

  4. “Cheeeeeee!! I sure ope ee’s Canadien.”

    Because there’s no way an American (as opposed to an “American”) could ever write, “Progressives had always seen the American Constitution and its traditions as the main obstacle to their hopes for domination and control over the rest of us. Contempt for the Constitution”. Communalists love, love, love the United States Constitution. The truths in it are what “grant” them unchecked power over Americans. The lies about it are what grant “moral” cover to conservatives’ loud and proud cowardice. It’s almost, not quite, of course, but almost, like the United States Constitution is the rulebook (subject to change, without notice) of a fake wrastlin’ match. By design.

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