Donald Trump Threatens to Leave Chamber of Commerce – IOTW Report

Donald Trump Threatens to Leave Chamber of Commerce


President Donald Trump ripped the Chamber of Commerce on Monday for failing to support his use of tariffs as a negotiating tool, threatening to leave the organization.

“I’m a member of the U.S. Chamber, maybe I’ll have to rethink that because when you look at it, the chamber is probably more for the companies and the people that are members than they are for our country,” Trump said.

Trump criticized China and Mexico for taking American jobs from U.S. companies and said the Chamber of Commerce was “right there with them.”

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13 Comments on Donald Trump Threatens to Leave Chamber of Commerce

  1. GO President Trump!

    Expose them for what and who they are.
    Any U.S. located business, factory or processing plant that relies almost solely on imported, tax subsidised foreign labor at the expense of and instead of American Citizens is someone or something that’s abhorrent and about as close to modern slavery as the current democrat party and a Whose Who of overlapping circles.

  2. Would be the right step since the Koch brothers are going to support the dem 2020 candidate in order to continue to drain the swamp and expose those against the Trump MAGA agenda.

  3. The Chamber is a racket. They only give support to business that join and pay dues. It’s not about what’s best for any community, it’s about the money.

  4. Well he should! the Chamber has put Americans last for over 70 years. It has put America no better than 2nd for 31 years.

    but as they well tell you, and have repeatedly the last 31 years – THEY ARE OUR BETTERS!

    MICHELLE has repeatedly exposed their lies the last 20 years! Ronnywanted them to no be able to have their donations exempt. so of course the Chamber has smeared Ronny for over 32 years! Michelle (again) shined a light on their lies!

  5. @Uncle Al June 10, 2019 at 7:07 pm

    > It’s an ugly surprise to find out DJT’s been a member all along. The USCoC’s positions on trade and illegal immigration are antithetical to his.

    Were the “USCoC’s positions on trade and illegal immigration” “antithetical to” President Trump’s, he wouldn’t be in a position to be merely considering not renewing his membership.

  6. The Chamber of Horrors should be shut down with extreme prejudice!!!
    A large box of king sized suppositories for each departing member with instructions of where they can be shoved.

  7. The US Chamber of Commerce is CORRUPT. They hunger for unchecked illegal immigration.

    It’s the Small Business chamber of commerce that I listen to.

  8. Nothing will put an end to illegal immigration until we first stop welcoming them and supporting them after they get here.

    Do that first, then pursue other means to stop it or all our efforts will be in vain.


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