Biden: No ‘Single Hint of a Scandal or a Lie’ When I Was VP – IOTW Report

Biden: No ‘Single Hint of a Scandal or a Lie’ When I Was VP

WFB: Joe Biden touted what he believes was his scandal-free tenure as vice president during an Iowa campaign speech on Wednesday.

“Know what I was most proud of?” he said, in reference to former president Barack Obama’s presidency. “For eight years, there wasn’t one single hint of a scandal or a lie,” he told a cheering crowd.

Biden has made this claim before on the campaign trail, when speaking about his proudest accomplishments as Obama’s vice president.

“The thing I’m proudest of is we, coincidentally, we were each in a different part of the country and we were each talking to groups of people that were being televised. On the same day, purely coincidentally, we were asked what are you proudest of from your administration? You know what I said—he said the same thing, though probably a bit more clearly than I did: Not one single whisper of scandal,” Biden said in reference to Obama on ABC’s The View in April. “That’s because of Barack Obama.”

Obama also made these claims while speaking at a technology conference in May 2018.  read more

17 Comments on Biden: No ‘Single Hint of a Scandal or a Lie’ When I Was VP

  1. How ’bout “Recovery Summer” 2011???
    49 years of NOTHING and this Tourettes-addled, grinning imbecile with the mental agility of a small soap dish want’s to be our President!!
    Just say NOPE to this DOPE!
    Weepy, Sleepy, Creepy, Peepee, Flippy-Floppy, Sloppy Joe

  2. Selective Alzheimer’s Disease must be a recognized ailment by the same forgetful people who promised us that we could keep our doctors. The Osmidgen Administration is going to be remembered as the most corrupt and scandalous eight years in American history by everyone who isn’t suffering from Selective Alzheimer’s Disease. Apparently, handing $1.7 billion to the Mad Mullahs in Iran doesn’t count as a scandal in a brain suffering from Selective Alzheimer’s Disease.

  3. …Well, of COURSE there was no scandal, since the media refused to cover ANYTHING that would make the Indonesian and his grinning supernumerary look any less than god-like…


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