Marcia Fudge is a horrible person – IOTW Report

Marcia Fudge is a horrible person

Patriot Retort: 

Yesterday, from the House chamber, Ohio Democrat Marcia Fudge read into the record a letter from one of her constituents that was nothing but attacks, insults and invectives directed not just at President Trump, but to those who voted for him.




Well, because Marcia Fudge is a horrible person.

This letter called those of us who voted for Donald Trump “racist, steeped in religious beliefs, ignorant, or as my mother used to say just plain dumb.”

Here’s the irony.  The constituent who wrote this slanderous letter accusing Trump supporters of being “steeped in religious beliefs?”  Yeah, he’s the senior pastor of Mount Zion Fellowship in Highland Hills, Ohio.

I guess he’s not steeped in religious beliefs.

Which is too bad for his congregation.

Any old how.

This sitting member of the House of Representatives used a single letter voicing personal opinions as a pretense to vilify American citizens from the House floor. Marcia Fudge chose to share that letter publicly. Nobody put a gun to her head and forced her to do it.

But she did it because Marcia Fudge, like pretty much every other Democrat, hates the American people and can’t pass up the chance to prove it.


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20 Comments on Marcia Fudge is a horrible person

  1. Yes, bless that blackened toxic heart.

    “Some people come in our life as blessings. Some come in your life as lessons.” ~ Mother Teresa

    Fudge is a lesson in what you don’t ever want to be…venom.

  2. My apologies to all the good black people I know, but there are many evil niggers out there that are dumber than the white trash liberals and the scumbags in the media. Fudge is a dangerous,hateful bitch; a vicious POS, as bad as Killory Rodham.
    Pray for America. Pray for another Donald Trump. As I said many times, I’m glad I’m on the back nine but I truly fear for the future of this great country in the hands of any of these 2020 demrats.
    Fudge is obviously an ignoramus but she will not be criticized by any demorat or the Lame stream media.
    God Help America.

  3. I wasn’t taking you, Moe tom, to task. Far be it from me to arrogate myself to the attributes of a tasker.

    I’m agreeing with you. And I also posit that that word should be stricken from our hearts, fingers, and mouthes.

  4. I don’t use the N word, because it’s hard on Fur`s site. -Other than that there’s this freedom thingy. Can’t say Woff in a theater and all.
    Besides that, if your not what someone calls you why would it bother you?

  5. I don’t use the N word, because it’s hard on Fur`s site. -Other than that there’s this freedom thingy. Can’t say Woff in a theater and all.
    Besides that, if your not what someone calls you why would it bother you?
    Oh yeah feelings.

  6. The United States is, until the end of Her days, a G-dly country. We serve The Architect, The Great Baker, Providence Himself.

    Gloria Patri, et Filio, et Spiritui Sancto,
    Sicut erat in principio, et nunc, et semper, et in saecula saeculorum. Amen.

    Enough with the fucking nonsense.


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