Wife of California Rep. Duncan Hunter(R) Pleads guilty to $250K stolen campaign funds – IOTW Report

Wife of California Rep. Duncan Hunter(R) Pleads guilty to $250K stolen campaign funds

Daily Caller: Republican California Rep. Duncan Hunter’s wife pleaded guilty Thursday to misusing $250,000 in campaign funds.

Rep. Hunter and his wife/campaign manager were first indicted for the misuse of campaign money in the fall of 2018. At that time, Rep. Hunter committed to “remain silent, not to feed into this witch-hunt and trust the process,” The Hill reported. Both partners entered not guilty pleas.

However, Margaret’s strategy has seemed to shift recently. Her change of plea was accompanied by a statement of full acceptance of guilt and willingness to testify on behalf of the prosecution.

“I am deeply remorseful and I apologize,” Margaret told the court.

Congressman Hunter’s attorney, Gregory Vega, spoke with The San Diego Tribune, saying that Rep. Hunter’s defense is “aware of Mrs. Hunter scheduling a hearing to change her plea.” However, she added “that does not change anything regarding Congressman Hunter. There are still significant motions that need to be litigated, specifically the speech or debate clause of the U.S. Constitution.”

Margaret Hunter is scheduled for sentencing on September 17th and could face up to 5 years in prison.

Rep. Hunter has previously attempted to place blame for the misallocated $250,000 squarely on his wife, claiming that she has managed his finances throughout his campaigns and five of his six terms in office.  more here

6 Comments on Wife of California Rep. Duncan Hunter(R) Pleads guilty to $250K stolen campaign funds

  1. I would have done her hair and nails for 25K. I would have cooked her gourmet meals for another 25K. Hell, I probably would have *done* her for another 50K….but that’s just me…”Discount Willy”….

  2. Should have taken notes from Maxine Waters. He could have paid his wife the way Maxine pays her daughter.
    He is responsible regardless of her plea. It’s his campaign.

  3. Another example of why we need term limits.

    Although 10 years in office is not long, weaker less ethically moored politicians can succumb much earlier, more easily seduced to the trappings of power and influence. As Sanders and Biden prove, career politicians are worthless, easily bought, unprincipled, and morally bankrupt.

    Career politicians are anathema to the citizen politician Jefferson envisioned; capable successful accomplished individuals who saw service as a duty, not remunerative or self serving.


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