If Russia Has Oppo Research “Dirt,” Trump Still Wants to Hear It – IOTW Report

If Russia Has Oppo Research “Dirt,” Trump Still Wants to Hear It

President Trump tells George Stephanopoulos at ABC News that he still wants to hear oppo research “dirt” on his political rivals…even if it comes from Russia. Did he learn nothing from the Mueller Probe? Or is he laying a trap for Hillary Clinton?

6 Comments on If Russia Has Oppo Research “Dirt,” Trump Still Wants to Hear It

  1. When the press asks any hypothetical question it should be avoided like the plague. There’s only one purpose for asking and that’s to trap you into useful soundbites that can be twisted.
    “George, you’re being a little smartass”

  2. There is no reconciliation between the Left and the Right.

    Because there are no common American values, mores, and standards shared by all Americans to rally around anymore (The Left has torn them down and buried them for several decades now).

    This is not coming to a good end.

    Be vigilant and be ready for it.

  3. It is crystal clear that the Left has no problem with Hillary and her criminal business partners going out internationally and paying for fake dirt while hoisting themselves on their own petard to paint Trump an impeachable criminal for simply saying he would look at it!
    I’d call it a double standard, except it is laughable to imply that the Left even has any standards!!

  4. Now just how could Russia have oppo research when we spent multi-billions of tax dollars yearly on 17 intelligence(?) agencies to prevent them from getting it and countless billions more on those same agencies to get oppo research on the Russians? On second thought based on our multple and many intelligence failure of the past years, I guess we have spent that money foolishly!


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