Move over, Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders has out-plagiarized you – IOTW Report

Move over, Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders has out-plagiarized you

American Thinker:

Joe Biden may be such a dope that he has no choice but to borrow the words of others, but Bernie Sanders, while no genius, does have options. In fact, he has an identifiable style of his own, making his speech easily identifiable with characteristic phrases enunciated with his Brooklyn accent. True, now that he is a multimillionaire, he’s stopped speaking of “millionaires and billionaires” as the enemy of the proletariat Americans and lately only castigates “billionaires.”

Still, when you come right down to it, Sanders is a recycler, too. As Mark Levin hilariously pointed out yesterday (first on his radio show and then on Hannity), Bernie is a plagiarist, too, and his source is even worse than Biden’s plagiarism of Michael Avenatti’s slogan, “Make America America Again” just the other day.

Watch this:

7 Comments on Move over, Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders has out-plagiarized you

  1. Heard this live on the show the other night, spot on as usual in outing the Commie-Swamp.

    I know there are IOTWer’s that are not crazy about Levin because of his early position with Cruz, I held the same early position as well, but Levin has just been a Howitzer against the Left and FOR the POTUS and Liberty.

    US Marines training:

  2. the whole (D)Rat Party (especially including every personthing running for president) is just a carbon copy of Stalin

    … up to & including his murderous butchery

  3. The followers of the left are oblivious to any broken laws, corruption or plagiarism committed by those they worship. It’s a purely emotional attachment that’s morphed into an obsession.
    We’re not dealing with mentally stable people so nothing should come as a surprise.

  4. Hard to believe that Bernie Sanders is even allowed to pretend to be a member of this political party. After all, he helped Donald Trump defeat “the most qualified person to ever run for anything” in the history of this political party. Now Sanders is at it again, only he’s more popular and his communist supporters are busy explaining that he’s not advocating the failed socialism of Cuba and Venezuela, he’s extolling the socialism of Sweden and Norway. Sanders’ brand of socialism is so close to communism that it’s indistinguishable. Vladimir Ilich Lenin’s mummified body in his Kremlin Mausoleum must be smiling at the thought that communism has almost taken over one the largest political parties in the greatest capitalist country in the world.

  5. GHOST

    some of the commenters on this Youtube page know nothing about military. I used to get “Mad as Hell” when someone called be a “soldier”. I was a warrior, a killer, A “do or die” fighter. NOT A SOLDIER. Soldiers surrender, Jarheads (sometimes) get knocked out and are taken prisoner. But they then escape.

    Check the records on both Korea and Nam.

  6. Stealing other people’s stuff is whutcha do when you’ve never had an original idea and you’re not capable of competing in the productive arena of Capitalism. Neither Bernie, Joe or the Obamboozler (and many, many other democRATs) have never so much as run a popsicle stand. They’ve been professional federal tit-sucking parasites their entire lives!
    Tomorrow on Fathers Day they will think about the cards they used to send to Dad when they were kids:
    Happy Father’s Day from yer little mistake!

    Happy Father’s Day to the only person on the planet still willing to employ me!

    Dear Dad –
    Thanks for being irresponsible and not using a condom!
    Happy Fathers Day from your rotten little f**k!

  7. When bereft of innovation, initiative, industry, and independent thought, one MUST resort to plagiarism.

    Monkey see; Monkey do.

    To believe in (or even to profess to believe in) socialism (nihilistic totalitarianism) one must have previously accepted and internalized the notion of slavery. One must see oneself as a slave to a superior ideology, group, and/or strata of political consciousness. One must bend one’s head to the carpet and raise one’s ass in the air – to demonstrate one’s subservience.
    The k’au t’au of oriental origin and demanded of his followers by Alexander.

    Bernie can’t allow himself an independent thought – that is the definition of “deviation.”

    izlamo delenda est …


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