Gillibrand accidentally implies Trump is Superman – IOTW Report

Gillibrand accidentally implies Trump is Superman

Patriot Retort: President Trump officially kicked off his 2020 Campaign with an immense rally in Orlando last night.  And the Democrat candidates and their handmaids in the media were sputtering with apoplectic rage.

But of course they were.

The enormous crowd was fired up, excited, happy and ready for 2020.  And President Trump brought down the house.

Maybe it was her blind rage over the sheer enthusiasm of the crowd that made Goose Egg Gillibrand lose control of what I’m sure she thought was going to be a great insult.

Or maybe she’s just dumb. Either way. Kirsten’s attempt to out-Trump the Master Insulter kind of backfired when she accidentally implied he is Superman. more here

14 Comments on Gillibrand accidentally implies Trump is Superman

  1. Gillibrand has ties to NXIVM and she dares talk about misogyny?

    How many women has Trump branded, literally branded, and pressed into sexual slavery? Answer: ZERO. How many organizations that do that is Trump connected to? Answer: Zero which is 1 less than Gillibrand I might add.

    If reporters would do their job and ask questions like that Gillibrand would not make such outrageous statements.

  2. I love President Trump’s tweeted response that “it wasn’t too long ago that she was in his office begging for campaign contributions, and she would do anything for them”.

    Hahaha. Suspicions confirmed; another Kamala Harris.


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