Acting ICE Director: ICE Deporting Illegals with Final Removal Orders from Judges – IOTW Report

Acting ICE Director: ICE Deporting Illegals with Final Removal Orders from Judges

( – U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) will begin deporting illegal immigrants who have final removal orders from immigration judges, acting ICE Director Mark Morgan said Wednesday.

Speaking to “Fox & Friends,” Morgan said President Donald Trump “has been very clear” that he “wants to maintain integrity in the system, make sure that we enforce the rule of law and address this crisis that we have on the southwest border.”

“So one of the things that we’re doing is we’re making sure that we’re looking at this from a simplistic viewpoint. If you are here illegally in violation of federal immigration law, if you’ve received due process, there should be consequences, including families. So what we’re going to do is we’re going to make sure that we apply the law and we enforce the law across the board,” he said.

“We’re not going to exempt a certain demographic. We need to make sure that everybody that has been here in violation of the law has consequences,” the acting director said.

“We’ve heard the number there are at least 12 million people in the country illegally, but I think the caveat that I heard in your answer was people who have had the due process. So in other words … starting next week, they’re gonna go after the people who are in the country illegally and who have had an order of deportation against them. Right?” Fox News host Steve Doocy asked.

Morgan refused to say specifically when ICE will conduct the deportations and how they’re going to do it. However, he said, “Generally, that’s correct.”

“We have a demographic that has had an enormous amount of due process. They’ve had access to attorneys. They’ve had access to interpreters. They’ve received a final order of removal from a judge,” the acting director said. more here

4 Comments on Acting ICE Director: ICE Deporting Illegals with Final Removal Orders from Judges

  1. The dumocrats must be boarding up their buses for a ride to a giant demonstration along with the MSM to interfere with the ICE efforts to enforce our laws. Charge them all with obstruction.

  2. I wonder how many illegals we’re talking about here. Most don’t show up for court so I doubt it’s a large number of people.
    It makes for a good news story but it sounds thin to me.


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