California: Los Angeles Residents Sign Petition to ‘RECALL’ Mayor Over Homeless Crisis, Rats, Traffic – IOTW Report

California: Los Angeles Residents Sign Petition to ‘RECALL’ Mayor Over Homeless Crisis, Rats, Traffic


Countless residents across Los Angeles are signing a new petition to recall Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti over his failed handling of the city’s homeless crisis; citing rat infestations, tent cities, and snarled traffic across the region.

“I think we are living in third world conditions that are a threat to public health here in Los Angeles, and we have a mayor who is completely ignorant of that and he is an abysmal failure,” said petition supporter Alexandra Datig.

“We have this position in the city of Los Angeles where our leaders seem to think that it’s okay to leave people on the street to die, just whistling past the graveyard. We have had over 3600 people dying on the streets of Los Angeles in the past five years,” she added.

A new survey published last week showed Los Angeles residents are the “most stressed” in the United States; citing traffic, high-taxes, homelessness, and the city’s growing rat infestation in parks and buildings.

“Los Angeles may be known for year-round sunshine, sand and palm trees but its residents are among the most stressed out in the country, according to a new poll,” reports CBS Las Angeles. “OnePoll, questioning 3,000 residents from Los Angeles, New York, Dallas, Miami and Chicago for Canada Dry Ginger Ale, found that 76 percent of Angelenos say they are at least ‘somewhat stressed’ every day.”

New York City and Chicago followed LA in “most stressed” citizens at 72% and 65%.

Los Angeles officials claimed they were “stunned” this week when new data showed a whopping 16% increase in the city’s homeless population in just one year; saying residents are now facing an “unprecedented” level of poverty. more here

10 Comments on California: Los Angeles Residents Sign Petition to ‘RECALL’ Mayor Over Homeless Crisis, Rats, Traffic

  1. Poverty? Is that what they call drug and alcohol addiction in LA?
    Let’s not even go into mental illness since most of them are rainbow warriors who still have jobs on stage, screen, and politics.

  2. They were shocked at the increase in their homeless population? I heard a saying that these people need to learn: “If you put out a saucer of milk for a cat you get more cats”.

  3. Of course, Los Angeles officials are “stunned” to learn that the sun sets in the west after rising in the east and that dumping water on yourself will make you wet. Progressive politicians ignore entirely predictable outcomes, and when the inevitable occurs, if they are not “stunned” then they are “surprised,” “shocked,” “disappointed” and/or “unexpectedly dismayed.”

  4. but then they have to impose more restrictive legislation/regulation in order to “fix” the problem that they created……. ad infinitum

    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  5. What the hell are you guys doing? Don’t you know every red city in the west is counting on L.A. mayor and bum magnet Garcetti to attract our diseased, brain addled, drug addicts, drunks, and other democrat bums? C’mon guys. Get with the program.


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