Why won’t left-wing sanctuary cities welcome the diversity of asylum seekers? – IOTW Report

Why won’t left-wing sanctuary cities welcome the diversity of asylum seekers?

Daily Caller-

What if someone you hated offered to pay off your mortgage or put your kids through college? You’d be suspicious at first, of course. Why is an enemy giving you the gift of a lifetime? But in the end, if you were smart, you’d take it. It would be too good to pass up.

Something very much like that happened in Washington, D.C., recently. The Trump administration debated moving some of the thousands of migrants now massing through our southern border into various self-proclaimed sanctuary cities across the United States.

Talk about great news for blue America. The left tells us that all immigration is good. More immigration is better. There is no distinction between legal and illegal varieties of immigration. If you disagree with any of this, you’re a white nationalist. That’s what they’ve said almost every day for the last two years.

And now, completely out of the blue, comes the man they despise most in the world, Donald J. Trump, offering them what they want more than anything: more immigrants, immediately, delivered right to their door at federal expense. It must have been like Christmas morning. 

But that’s not how they responded. The left wasn’t happy about Trump’s offer. They were shocked and enraged. You know what this is, they said? It’s dumping. The headline on Mother Jones read, “Donald Trump Wanted to Dump Asylum Seekers on Streets of Democratic Cities.” In the view of The Daily Beast’s Harry Siegel, “The White House wanted to dump refugees in sanctuary cities.” He called that idea “nasty.” At the same time, almost simultaneously, both CNN and MSNBC ran headlines accusing the White House of wanting to “dump” migrants into cities.

What’s the message here? Immigrants are trash? If you wanted to defile someone’s pristine city, you’d “dump” immigrants on it? Hmm. That sounds a little … searching for the word here … racist — a lot racist, actually. But Nancy Pelosi agrees with it. She immediately issued a statement: “The extent of this administration’s cynicism and cruelty cannot be overstated. Using human beings — including little children — as pawns in their warped game to perpetuate fear and demonize immigrants is despicable.” more here

7 Comments on Why won’t left-wing sanctuary cities welcome the diversity of asylum seekers?

  1. It’s a policy only intended to hurt us so there’s no benefit in it for them. They want flyover country’s population diluted not their own gated communities.

  2. It would be cruel to import asylum seekers into my upscale neighborhood. For starters, there are no jobs – me and my neighbors have enough gardeners, house cleaners, maids, and general laborers and we can’t find enough work for more. It would also be emotionally devastating for these unfortunate folks; they would have to look at Rolls Royces, Bentleys and Mercedes, with the occasional McLaren and Porsche thrown in for fun, and then know for a fact that I will never pay them or their families even close to a living wage, much less enough to afford any car much less a luxury ride like I am used to. And the food around here would likely make them sick – I’m afraid that all that caviar, aged steak and fine wine would disrupt their regular diet of…what do poor immigrant people eat and drink again? Where would they live? Tents would ruin my manicured lawn, and I get rid of my cardboard boxes as soon as the new appliances are installed. Besides, I demolished most of the horse stables when I enlarged my pool and built a really top notch entertaining cabana area – so they couldn’t live there even if I was inclined to permit this.

    There just isn’t any room around Snob Hill for asylum seekers. My 15,000 square foot home really isn’t large enough for me to avoid seeing my kids, much less poor immigrants, when I wander from the smoking parlor to the game room. My well tended grounds, along with the koi ponds, are a testament to my commitment to the environment so I can’t have immigrants cluttering up that area. I would have to buy gate openers for any asylum seekers I take in, and perhaps confine my guard dogs and hire better trained armed security – and that ain’t gonna happen just so these folks can camp on my grounds.

    I spend a lot of time virtue signaling, so at the end of the day the last thing I want to see are poor asylum seekers who generally don’t even speak English. That would be cruel and usual – to me.

  3. Talk about a post crafted just for your wordsmithing abilities, Wyatt.

    Personally, I live in a place called “Not-In-My-Neighborhood.” It has a lot of hyphens because Neighborhood annexed the other areas in a fit of snobbery. Heh.

  4. They also want more homeless street-shitters, more violent thugs, and more needle dropping drug addicts so let’s send those over too. Oh wait, they’ve already got the corner on those gems…


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