Trump’s Orlando Speech: Unprecedented and Remarkable – IOTW Report

Trump’s Orlando Speech: Unprecedented and Remarkable

American Thinker:

Watching live TV coverage of President Trump at his Orlando rally announcing his reelection campaign, I was blown away by Trump’s unprecedented, straightforward honesty. With no holds barred, Trump told the American people the truth about numerous important issues which have been lied about or hidden by fake news media. I thought, “My goodness, the president just gave the American people a year’s worth of truthful news in one speech.” I guarantee that Americans who only watch fake news media heard for the first time during Trump’s speech that the Mueller investigation of Trump did not find any collusion with Russia. Trump’s speech was probably the first time many heard about Hillary Clinton’s corrupt illegal behavior before, during, and after her failed run for the White House. Trump’s speech was probably the first time many Americans learned that Democrats shockingly passed legislation to kill babies on their birthday and seek to pass legislation to kill babies even after they are born.

Trump touted his remarkable long list of economic, cultural, and freedom-enhancing achievements for We the People. Folks, I am telling you, many Americans were hearing all the great things Trump has done for America for the first time.

Enjoying my cup of Red Rooibos tea, I internally cheered every time Trump told his huge audience another truth about the evils Democrats, the deep state and fake news media are perpetrating upon America and their traitorous attempts to undermine his presidency. Republicans typically do not push back the way Trump does in public speeches and social media. Democrats and fake news media routinely kick our butts in the court of public opinion by attacking Republicans with lies and every gutter, lowlife, and dirty trick in their playbook. In response, Republican consultants and advisers always say, “play nice,” “take the high road,” and “remain presidential.” Such advice drives me nuts. We (Republicans) always stupidly bring an olive branch to a gun fight. Trump understands the battle in which we are engaged for the heart and soul of America. He fights back with the appropriate weapons and intensity.

While I watched Trump’s speech, I chuckled thinking about the reaction of Democrats, fake news media, and the deep state. Trump exposed their lies, hypocrisy, and illegal silent coup to reverse the 2016 election. I wonder how many of them have to replace their TV after throwing a brick through it. Read more

5 Comments on Trump’s Orlando Speech: Unprecedented and Remarkable

  1. Organized many events in DoD hangars. Pretty good feel for how many folks can fit inside. Went to Trump rally. Secret Service claimed 18,000 preapproved and processed for entry into secured hangar. MSM claimed only a few folks were there, reported that most were bused in from out of state. Bulloney. Stood in line with them for 10 hours. All locals. MSM only reported 55% of those inside. Reported NOTHING of mile long columns, 10 to 15 people-wide rows, not able to get inside. So when MSM only reports 20K at Amway center, it’s safe to multiply MSM’s numbers by 4 or 5.

  2. Glad this author has made it to the party. Fact is most of us have been here years. Another fact is if anyone on the other side wanted to sample the wares, they’re available for anyone.

    The lines are drawn. Movement from one side to another is tiny. The great awakening we’re pointlessly looking to happen, ain’t gonna happen.

    It’s a grind it out fight now. Sadly that’s the REgressive wheel house.

    In the meantime, bet your ass that they are working 24/7 to make absolutely damn sure there are no 10,000 vote victories in WI.

  3. How can anyone in this country look at the shambles of Los Angeles, San Francisco, Baltimore, Philly, KC, Chicago etc and think this is a good direction for the country? The party that has created this mess of mass illegal entry, hate crimes by minorities, rampant drug use, vandalism and pollution of the educational system and systemic governmental corruption are promising more of the same.
    This is the battle of Armageddon.


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