Man arrested for rape in NYC allegedly told witnesses ‘she deserved it’ … ‘for slavery’ – IOTW Report

Man arrested for rape in NYC allegedly told witnesses ‘she deserved it’ … ‘for slavery’

American Thinker:

The Left’s reparations strategy is working as intended.  The push for slavery reparations is all about anger, not justice.  In the face of the prosperity Donald Trump has brought, the Democrats worry about their dependence in high turnout and 90-percent-plus voting support from African-Americans.  If blacks feel that Trump’s prosperity is worth preserving, more satisfying than dependence on government handouts, then that extraordinary level of support will be impossible to maintain.

People who no longer need food stamps just might wish to keep the prosperity rolling with the Trump tax cuts intact and deregulation-fired investments producing jobs and driving up wages:

Over 5.8 million individuals have discontinued their participation in America’s food stamp program since President Donald Trump’s first full month in office, according to the latest U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) data.

The one emotion that can both unite group solidarity and drive people to vote is anger.  If the current economy satisfies people, then some other source must be found, for as Saul Alinksy taught them, “it’s up to us to go in and rub raw the sores of discontent, galvanize them for radical social change.”

That’s why the push for slavery reparations has, in the space of a decade, gone from being shunned by presidential candidate Barack Obama in 2008 to being embraced by most of the party’s presidential field and the subject of “fiery” hearings in the Democrat-controlled House of Representatives Wednesday.

The more fire, the better — for Democrats. But not for the rest of us, as indicated by this alleged crime as described by witnesses.  more here

10 Comments on Man arrested for rape in NYC allegedly told witnesses ‘she deserved it’ … ‘for slavery’

  1. One way (first class if necessary) tickets back to Mogadishu and Nairobi would settle it all!

    The sooner the better for all of that anger to be changed to fear of those country’s governments and “social welfare” programs.

  2. I like men, I find them funny, strong, loyal and good. But saying that, the young woman placed herself immediately in the “victim” category when she went somewhere private with him, without knowing very much about him. I travelled in France and Spain when I was 25, staying in pensiones and cheap hotels. I only had problems in Spain, where I was attacked by a hotel employee and then again by a man on the street when I was returning from a restaurant. Luckily, I kneed them hard and ran like hell. After that, I became very aware of my surroundings and stayed in well lighted areas.


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