Justin Fairfax Eyeing Bid for Virginia Governor, Claims Scandal Raised Profile – IOTW Report

Justin Fairfax Eyeing Bid for Virginia Governor, Claims Scandal Raised Profile


Virginia’s Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax (D) is not deterred by the sexual assault allegations leveled against him, saying he is still “thinking seriously” about a gubernatorial run in 2021.

The embattled Democrat told reporters at a roundtable discussion on Thursday he was “hopeful” about his political future, especially given how the allegations have raised his profile across the commonwealth.

“Many people a year ago would not have recognized me, now they really do,” Fairfax said. “People come up to me at gas stations, they say, ‘Hey, we recognize you. We love you. We know what they are saying about you is false.’”

“I’m very hopeful about the future,” he added. “We’ve gotten a lot of encouragement about future political steps. I’m thinking very seriously about 2021.”

First elected in 2017, Fairfax was widely expected to succeed incumbent Gov. Ralph Northam this year when the latter was embroiled in a blackface scandal. Hope for a smooth succession, however, was dashed when two women came forward to accuse him of sexual assaulting them in the mid-2000s.

Fairfax strongly denied the allegations, even hinting they were part of a smear campaign organized by Northam to save his governorship. In February, Fairfax compared himself to victims of lynching for the lack of due process he’s received since the allegations were made public. Despite the stringent defense, an overwhelming majority of the Democrat Party’s leadership in Virginia and nationally has called on him to step down.


9 Comments on Justin Fairfax Eyeing Bid for Virginia Governor, Claims Scandal Raised Profile

  1. Let that be a lesson to you: if you are a Democrat against whom there is a credible accusation of sexual assault, that helps you. On the other hand, if you are a conservative then such accusations could be full of holes and they are expected to destroy you.

  2. I guess the accusers have been successfully bought off or intimidated into silence.

    And dude looks like he does a lot of drugs. Those sunken eyes…he looks high as hell.

  3. …he’s probably right…if he were a Muslim and raped a boy on live TV, it would probably be an AUTOMATIC win at THIS point in our Nation’s history, ESPECIALLY with the Northern Virginia crowd of DC invaders pulling the levers…


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