Virginia 1984: Biden Called Jesse Jackson ‘Boy’ – IOTW Report

Virginia 1984: Biden Called Jesse Jackson ‘Boy’


Former Vice President Joe Biden referred to Rev. Jesse Jackson as “boy” in 1984 when discussing his impact on the Democrat Party.

Biden, who is mired in controversy after praising the “civility” of segregationists, made the comments during an “informal news conference” in Lexington, Virginia. At the time, Jackson was running for the Democrat presidential nomination and had just bested both Walter Mondale, the eventual nominee, and Gary Hart in the Louisiana primary. The remarks were reported by the Washington Post when they occurred and recently highlighted on social media.

“He is one of the brightest guys around,” Biden said when asked how Jackson’s presidential campaign that year would impact the Democrat Party. “That boy ain’t no dummy, just like Gary Hart, that boy ain’t no dummy either.”

Biden was later forced to clarify that his remark “was not intended to be racially derogatory” and that he had also referred to Hart as “boy.”

On Tuesday, Biden elicited widespread controversy after offering praise for the late-Sens. James Eastland (D-MS) and Herman Talmdage (D-GA) at a fundraiser in New York City. Biden mentioned the two men while touting his ability to form “consensus,” but he did not express what they were able to accomplish together.“I was in a caucus with James O. Eastland,” Biden told donors, attempting a Southern drawl. “He never called me boy, he always called me son.” read more

17 Comments on Virginia 1984: Biden Called Jesse Jackson ‘Boy’

  1. “Biden, who is mired in controversy after the Democratic Party decided he was not hip enough to be their candidate but has no more baggage than any other Democratic candidate….”

    That was the original sentence before it was cut for space

  2. I have no particular use for gropin’Joe, but this is bullshit. It’s obvious that the fix is in. Gropin’ Joe has to go. Fine with me. Humpy Bernie is next. Then the demrats can pick a queer or a whore.

  3. Biden touting his ability to form “consensus”???
    Weepy, Sleepy, Creepy, Peepy, Flip-Flopy, Sloppy Joe isn’t smart enough to organize a two car parade that doesn’t wind up killing someone!

  4. Ole Biden ain’t gonna know whether to come or go or touch or don’t touch or speak and don’t speak. Why is everybody pickin on me Charlie Brown response at upcoming debates. Thistle be fun.
    Rubus hispidus, with the common names swamp dewberry, bristly dewberry, bristly groundberry, groundberry, hispid swamp blackberry or running swamp blackberry.

  5. “That boy ain’t no dummy, just like Gary Hart, that boy ain’t no dummy either.”

    The second half of the sentence was an afterthought, added after he realized what he said in the first half.

  6. ^^^ @Black Raspberry Beret – –
    Sounds like 2009 when he asked for the phone to make a call…
    Hand me my Dewberry, or my Groundberry, or my Raspberry, or whutever you call that damn thing.
    “It’s a Blackberry sir”
    “That’s what I said. Gimme the Blackberry dammit!”
    “Now whut’s the number to the website?”

  7. Moe tom
    JUNE 22, 2019 AT 2:39 PM
    “Then the demrats can pick a queer or a whore.”

    Does the dude Barry was “married” to, “Michelle”, count as both?

    …because it’s GOING to be “Michelle”…

  8. Tony R
    JUNE 22, 2019 AT 2:59 PM
    “That boy ain’t no dummy, just like Gary Hart, that boy ain’t no dummy either.”

    ..I forgot about ol’ Gary. He was kind of fun. Remember how “Follow me around. I don’t care. If anybody wants to put a tail on me, go ahead. They’d be very bored” became a joke with a wink at the end of it?

    …ah, the good ol’ days, when Democrats were hetro, and more horny than they were crazy…


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