Federally Funded Harvard Program Offers Humanized Mice Made With Aborted-Baby Parts For Sale – IOTW Report

Federally Funded Harvard Program Offers Humanized Mice Made With Aborted-Baby Parts For Sale

(CNSNews.com) – A federally funded program at Harvard University is offering “humanized mice” made with organs taken from aborted babies for prices ranging from $800 to $1,272, according to the fee schedule Harvard has published online.

This program, which has received $926,682 in grants from the National Institutes of Health over the past 5 years, creates a demand for tissue—including livers and thymuses–taken from aborted babies.

Its current grant of $168,320 was awarded for a one-year period that started on Aug. 1, 2018 and will end on July 31, 2019.

On May 15, CNSNews.com asked NIH and the Department of Health and Services: “Will the NIH extend this grant beyond July 31, 2019? Or will NIH terminate this grant?”

On June 21, HHS indicated to CNSNews.com that this program and another federally funded Harvard program that uses tissue from aborted babies to make humanized mice will not be immediately subject to the new policy announced by the administration earlier this month that requires “extramural” HHS-funded programs that use fetal tissue to undergo a new layer of review by an ethics advisory board.

“The grants you reference went through the competitive renewal cycle prior to the announcement of the new policy,” an HHS spokesperson told CNSNews.com on Friday.

CNSNews.com followed up on that statement from HHS by asking: “Does the fact that they went through the competitive renewal cycle before HHS announced its new policy mean that Harvard’s Humanized Mouse Core must have its grant renewed for another year when it expires at the end of July and that the Core B: Animal and Laboratory Core must have its funding renewed when its current funding period ends at the end of March 2020? Can they be cancelled at the end of their current funding periods?”

“We cannot generally terminate a grant if it’s up for a non-competitive renewal in 2020,” HHS responded.

(On May 15, CNSNews.com asked NIH, HHS and Harvard 21 questions about these NIH-funded programs at Harvard that make humanized mice using aborted baby parts. On May 23, CNSNews.com sent NIH two follow-up questions on these programs. On May 24, CNSNews.com sent Harvard 11 follow-up questions focusing on the second program at Harvard making the humanized mice. On June 7, CNSNews.com sent NIH and HHS and Harvard 5 additional follow-up questions in light of the new policy on fetal tissue research that HHS announced on June 5. On June 21, CNSNesws.com sent HHS another follow-up question. To see the questions that CNSNews.com asked and how the NIH, HHS and Harvard responded to them click here.)

Harvard’s Humanized Mice Fee Schedule

According to the “fee schedule” it published online, Harvard’s Human Immune System Mouse Core, as it is called, has an escalating price system for the “BLT (Bone Marrow-Liver-Thymus) Mouse.” The “fee” that researchers pay depends on their affiliation. Researchers associated with the Public Health Service (PHS) or Harvard’s Center for AIDS Research (CFAR) pay $800 per “BLT” humanized mouse. Academic researchers not associated with the PHS or Harvard’s CFAR pay $1,152 per mouse. read more

12 Comments on Federally Funded Harvard Program Offers Humanized Mice Made With Aborted-Baby Parts For Sale

  1. Some of the most deformed human tissue can be found in a country bombed into a third world morgue by the USA. And so proud of doing it!! No mice needed. Browse the photo images and do be charmed by these precious little darlings. Didn’t a member of Congress just recently brag about his brave service doing this in Fallujah?

    The Truth Of Iraq’s City Of Deformed Babies
    Posted: September 2, 2009 | Author: nwoobserver
    by Lisa Holland, foreign affairs correspondent
    First Published: Sep. 01, 2009 – Sky News
    “An Iraqi doctor has told Sky News the number of babies born with deformities in the heavily-bombed area of Fallujah is still on the increase.
    Fifteen months ago a Sky News investigation revealed growing numbers of children being born with defects in Fallujah.
    Concerns were that the rise in deformities may have been linked to the use of chemical weapons by US forces.”

    Deformed Babies Iraq

  2. If the organs and tissue can be transplanted in, they can be transplanted out.
    Do they also provide the ‘provenance’ of the organs? Such as a comprehensive DNA/genetics analysis? I can just imagine someone going online, looking for a liver or a kidney, and ‘running the numbers’- sort of like ‘car fax.’ In the proper hands, the rodents are just transport vehicles, but they don’t need to be kept refrigerated. More of the green new deal, probably
    I think I’ll wait until they have a clearance sale and then buy a whole bunch of them, then build a baby. Amazing what one could do with a ‘clump of cells.’ There will be an app for that next week.

  3. T,unRuth,
    Darlin’ that is why you
    don’t mess w/ U.S.A.Wait till the
    radioactive sebold spent uranium rounds
    by the thousands start makin’ all ready
    inbred sand jockeys have 3 eyes and 7 toes.
    Like the dawn of time honey “It is us against
    them” and they hate you and your car and your
    home with burning passion….

  4. To sum all this up,at some point
    there will be no more 100% humans.
    Before that there will be no more
    humans with 98-99.7% caucasian blood.
    Before that there will be complex integrated
    circuits literally meshed into human tissue.
    Young people will see some strange S*** & live
    in a Mondo Bizarro world…

  5. Only the wicked get pleasure from slaughtering civilians. May God do to the wicked what they enjoy doing to others. In His time that is what His Judgment will do. There should be no sympathy for Vets who whine about PTSD. If they do not repent before God, they should suffer the mental agony of guilt for what they have done to destroy the vulnerable people of other countries. May the sadistic ghouls at Harvard be harshly judged, too.

    Ghosts of Fallujah Haunting America
    June 21, 2019 Staff National New
    A U.S. legislator has arrogantly admitted publicly that his Marine Corps unit may have killed hundreds of civilians in Fallujah. Will these war crimes continue to go unpunished?
    By Richard Walker

    The admission by Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-Calif.) that his Marine Corps unit may have killed hundreds of civilians, including women and children, in the city of Fallujah in Iraq in April 2004 once again raises the question of whether U.S. forces committed war crimes and used chemical and other unnamed weapons during major battles in Iraq that year.

  6. Hey Ruth, get bent. Take your self righteous garbage and shove it up your liberal ass.
    I apologize for the language to the regulars, but Ruth can kiss my veteran ass.


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