Joe Biden can’t keep his story straight – IOTW Report

Joe Biden can’t keep his story straight

American Thinker: The Democrats’ front-runner (for now) has been busted in an important lie. Joe Biden has publicly told two different stories – diametrically opposed to each other – about the advice he purportedly offered when the Navy SEAL Team Six’s raid on Osama bin Laden’s compound in Pakistan was being discussed by President Obama’s National Security team. We can state with confidence that he is lying about his position on a matter of national security, with the only question being which version was the lie – the first or the second?

Jerry Dunleavy of the Washington Examiner lays out the credibility-destroying problem and provides a convincing answer:

After initially saying that he opposed the operation and told President Barack Obama not to do it, the 2020 Democratic front-runner changed his account to say he hedged in front of other official but privately told Obama to go ahead.

Every other account of the decision-making process indicates that the former vice president’s first version was true and his later accounts were not. In 2012, he said his advice was, ‘Don’t go.’ By 2015, he had settled on saying he’d privately told Obama to ‘go.’

The former vice president’s most recent descriptions of his stance — when he morphed from vocal opponent of the raid, to private supporter of it — contradicts the public accounts of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, former Secretary of Defense Bob Gates, former CIA Director Leon Panetta, and Obama himself.


15 Comments on Joe Biden can’t keep his story straight

  1. Aren’t his lies pretty much an everyday occurrence? Everything out of his mouth is an attempt at manipulation and the truth is never in the equation unless it happens to further that end.
    The same goes for every one in that party.

  2. Joe and other politicians are practicing tactics from the last generation. Now days it’s full tilt radicalism and Joe and others are being elbowed out.

  3. “…contradicts the public accounts of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, former Secretary of Defense Bob Gates, former CIA Director Leon Panetta, and Obama himself.”

    Strangely enough, I almost have to believe Joe here.

  4. Politicians lie.
    We’ve come to accept that.
    In fact, we’re kind of amused by liars like the Clintons, but scornful of poor liars like Joey.
    He seems more like a goofy liar than a clever liar.

    So we scoff and shake our heads and maybe laugh – but we refuse to reject the lies – we refuse to reject the liars – we continue to support them and subject ourselves to them.

    Wobbles the mind.

    izlamo delenda est …


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