President Trump Delaying Planned ICE Deportations for 2 Weeks – IOTW Report

President Trump Delaying Planned ICE Deportations for 2 Weeks

Epoch Times:

“At the request of Democrats, I have delayed the Illegal Immigration Removal Process (Deportation) for two weeks to see if the Democrats and Republicans can get together and work out a solution to the Asylum and Loophole problems at the Southern Border. If not, Deportations start!” Trump posted on his Twitter on June 22.

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11 Comments on President Trump Delaying Planned ICE Deportations for 2 Weeks

  1. START THE DEPORTATIONS YESTERDAY! If the Dems were losing voters they would be more willing to negotiate. Now Trump just gave them two more weeks. Negotiate and deport simultaneously, they aren’t mutually exclusive.

  2. Hey Trump! Want to get their attention? Forget the deportations. How about threatening to enforce the Rule of Law regarding Justice Dept. Penalties for aiding and abetting illegals and tell them you will arrest everyone that has aided and abetted these illegals (dems in house, sanctuary cities mayors, city councils, etc.) and lets see what will happen in those 2 weeks. Enough Fing around!! What the F do you have a justice dept for if it won’t enforce the law?

  3. Enough 3D chess! It’s past time for action, and action on many fronts. Trump has had 3 years of fantastic rally’s, telling us all the while what we want to hear. Of course he has accomplished a lot so far, but the fucking border is still open, the wall (2 miles per week?) is for the most part nonexistent, Hillary and all the co-conspirators are writing books and touring, sanctuary cities are giving him the finger, and what is being done about voter fraud? I still love the guy, but damn we need some big time victories!

  4. Real Reason… McKleenan leaked locations, etc. this is probably why the 2 week reprieve, to save his agent’s lives and give them a chance to plan a new course of action? Makes better sense. McKleenan needs to be axed ASAP and arrested for leaking. Nothing with house will happen in 2 weeks.

  5. Since Trump took office the illegal immigration situation has gotten much worse, not better.

    Time to actually do something besides talk and negotiate.

    BTW, expect hearing the term “Undocumented Americans” to be used more frequently to refer to the illegals. Control the language, control the discussion, the Left knows this and puts it to use through the MSM.

  6. Anonymous…Many thanks for posting Title 8 U.S.C. – m1324a – offenses. This belongs on billboards.

    Also, wondering if this would include citizen’s arrest being legal towards prosecution. RE:

    “In addition, significant enhanced penalties are provided for in violations of 8 U.S.C. § 1324(a)(1) involving serious bodily injury or placing life in jeopardy. Moreover, if the violation results in the death of any person, the defendant may be punished by death or by imprisonment for any term of years.”

  7. Wishful beliefs will never resolve the on-going illegals/unvetted aliens subversion of the USA. Nothing done means no changes. Whoever is in control, it isn’t Trump. Words are not action. And all Trump has is words. When will these thousands of parasitic aliens come to reside in your own backyard? When a war with Iran gets successfully started, this subversive invasion will just not be a problem to be concerned about any more. The powers that be and the MSM so hope!! So go find a personal cocoon to shelter in for comfort. Your own “safe space”!!

    How Black Africans From Ebola Center DRC Are Being
    Placed All Over America By The Trump Administration
    By Gary Holland
    Exclusive to Rense News
    “Critical Differences In How Africans Are Handled At The Border

    In his article, the Dutch reporter confirms the US Border Patrol does not – and I repeat does NOT – drop off these African invaders at an Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) center…which is the way ALL illegals are dealt with. Instead, these African blacks, unvetted for disease and NOT checked for Ebola, are bypassing ICE and are immediately taken to various Greyhound bus stations in Texas.

    This one piece of information proves, without doubt, these sub-Saharan black Africans are part of the UN-Trump US Govt (VOLUNTARY) Refugee Resettlement Program. A second piece of evidence is the fact these invaders, flown across the Atlantic in US airliners, were given rolls of $100 bills. These rolls of cash are ‘carryover money’ to last until these African illegals begin receiving their lifetime EBT and SSI benefits…and housing, food, medical, dental, education, social services, spending money, car loans, you name it. ALL done while American Citizens are ignored and abused by the Trump regime and left to rot, homeless, in America’s streets. What honest American citizen can support such betrayal? ”

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