Islamic Bloc Challenged Over Its Silence on Uighurs: ‘If They Truly Care About Muslims …’ – IOTW Report

Islamic Bloc Challenged Over Its Silence on Uighurs: ‘If They Truly Care About Muslims …’

( – The bloc of Islamic nations is an outspoken contingent at the U.N. Human Rights Council but was challenged there this week for its silence about the plight of at least one million minority Muslims in detention camps in China’s Xinjiang region.

“If they truly care about Muslims, and for their religious freedoms, why has Pakistan and the Islamic group failed to introduce a single resolution” about China’s persecution of Muslims, asked Hillel Neuer, executive director of U.N. Watch, a non-governmental organization.

The target of his remarks, the 57-member Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), wields considerable influence at the Geneva-based HRC. The council has 47 members, and the OIC has accounted for no fewer than 13 of them – and as many as 18 – in any one year of the council’s 14-year existence. more here

16 Comments on Islamic Bloc Challenged Over Its Silence on Uighurs: ‘If They Truly Care About Muslims …’

  1. ..muslims are cowards. They won’t fight anyone who can fight BACK.

    …that’s why they like blowing up unsuspecting, unarmed people who don’t have anything to do with it. Suits the Islamic character well…

  2. While you’re at it, how about explaining why feminists and the LGBTQ activists are totally silent about the way Muslims treat women and homosexuals.

  3. The reason why the Islamists don’t care about the Uyghurs is the same reason the world was mostly silent about the genocide being carried out in Cambodia by the Khmer Rouge in the late 1970’s.

    It’s called the “After all, they’re only Gooks” syndrome.

  4. It’s human nature for groups of people to view other groups as inferior to theirs.
    It appears that characteristic is also true among sub humans.

  5. Okay, I am not sure where all of you stand on islam but I believe the world needs to be rid of it. one way or the other.
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  6. Frankly I’m surprised, I thought only black people hated white kids who pretended to be from the hood.

    You know, you look up Uighur in the dictionary and you get a picture of Vanilla Ice.

  7. Aaron Burr, good one. Uighurs is pronounced “Wee-girrs”. Maybe that’s why no one is complaining that Commie China is giving them a Wood Shampoo

  8. Arabs have typically always been been cowardly, craven opportunists. Mohammedans more so; look at what a murderous weasel Mo was. So they know China won’t put up with their crap the way the dying West does.

  9. JayPee
    JULY 5, 2019 AT 7:19 AM
    “The pigs of islam have never cared about anything but
    the destruction of humankind.

    Exactly the same goal of Satan.”

    …Islam IS Satan’s counterfeit of Judeo-Christian traditions, even cribs from the Bible and claims common patriarchy, but the Devil places himself in God’s place, but calls himself A!!ah…

  10. grool
    JULY 5, 2019 AT 7:51 AM
    “… So they know China won’t put up with their crap the way the dying West does.”

    …Japan doesn’t put up with them, either, but considering that the Japanese until relatively recently ALSO committed suicide attacks on Americans in the name of THEIR religion, and only stopped, like cancer, after irradiaton, it may be a case of “takes one to know one”…

    …that said, at LEAST the Japanese fought like men, in uniforms, against other ARMED men in uniforms. That’s something a Muslim will not do, because they will lose every time, if they don’t run away first…

  11. SNS,

    Islam is indeed evil but it is not Satan’s masterpiece. The various false gospel churches of Christendom are his ultimate work. That is why Paul said Satan’s ministers transform themselves into ministers of righteousness just as Satan transforms himself into an angel of light. Islam does not fit that description, as evil as it is. It’s just a particularly brutal and wicked form of paganism.


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