Alveda King: This Independence Day, America Is on the Mend – IOTW Report

Alveda King: This Independence Day, America Is on the Mend

CNS: Zechariah 4:6 (NLT) “It is not by force nor by strength, but by my Spirit, says the LORD of Heaven’s Armies.”

Independence Day 2019 is tomorrow. During this time in our nation’s history, there is a heightened demand to redefine America’s concepts of liberty, freedom, and justice.

Juneteenth 2019 is just behind us. We are currently celebrating 400 years of African American history, so it’s likely not by accident that the “reparations debate” is rapidly gaining traction in conversations across America.

Many inroads have already been made in seeking solutions. In January 2016, a United Nations project with the “Working Group of Experts on People of African Descent” conducted a study on the reparations issue. They recommended that the U.S. establish a national commission to “monitor the human rights of African Americans” — and start taking steps to repay the labor that slaves performed from American independence through the Civil War (an amount that University of Connecticut researcher Thomas Craemer values at about $5.9 trillion) with reparations.

Currently, presidential candidate Marianne Williamson is most fervently backing reparations. The self-help guru and spiritual adviser wants to set aside $200 billion to $500 billion for a reparations program. She’s not offering to foot the bill personally.

Meanwhile, Senator and presidential hopeful Elizabeth Warren is rooting for reparations for Blacks, Native Americans and Gays. The other candidates running against President Trump, including Senators Corey Booker and Kirsten Gillibrand, are also backing tax-payer funded reparations for descendants of former American slaves.

All of these candidates are fully in favor of tax-payer funded abortion laws that help to disproportionately kill the very population they say they are trying to repair. How can you repair people by aborting them? more here

5 Comments on Alveda King: This Independence Day, America Is on the Mend

  1. Right Anon, Alveda King is a brainwashed liar. To her America will never be mended until Blacks take over the country and get undeserved financial repayments for doing nothing. There is a fight for rights needed, but it isn’t to install Black power. It is to restore the rights of all the American people according to the Constitution.

    The Battle of Athens
    How a group of WWII vets armed themselves and took on a corrupt local government and sheriff’s department in 1946.
    T. Logan Metesh
    By T. Logan Metesh
    July 3, 2019
    The Bill of Rights was created to protect citizens from potential abuses committed by their government. The Second Amendment was created to provide a means for those citizens to defend themselves.

  2. “Alveda King is a brainwashed liar. To her America will never be mended until Blacks take over the country and get undeserved financial repayments for doing nothing.”

    Just when you this tRuth is sane she goes out of her way to remind everyone that……not so much.


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