The friendship ultimatum – IOTW Report

The friendship ultimatum

Patriot Retort:

“Think Progress” writer Zack Ford gave his longtime friend an ultimatum: “Either the MAGA hat goes or I go! Choose!”

And how did his friend choose?

22 Comments on The friendship ultimatum

  1. After looking at a picture of Zack Ford it seems obvious the “high school friend” has finally found a way to get rid of his long time stalker.

  2. Hokay, whoever raised up this younger generation raise an entire generation of emotional toddlers.
    He needs his ass kicked on general principles

  3. With a friend like that, you don’t need a friend.

    The friend is a malignant narcissist: if you don’t see it his way, he can’t control you, and he cannot be complete in his mission to subjigate you: in other words, keep you down, so he can feel ‘up.’ Dangerous people.

  4. You gotta read this tool’s newsletter, it’s priceless. First off, this guy is a homo-nazi, meaning that if you don’t think gays are really super duper special and deserving of an extra helping of everything just because they like sucking dick, well, you my friend don’t deserve to live.

    The Hat wearer (actually it was the daughter that was wearing the hat) is a Christian and just a Facebook friend at that.

    Notice that it was Ford who threw down first, this lady could not share a family photo with her friends without Ford getting all uppity and sanctimonious like the prick that he is. It was Ford that went full facist, demanding that she think like him and embrace homosexuality like him. And when she tried to engage in a thoughtful discussion, it was Ford that unfriended her, wanting no part of a respectful dialogue.

    Here’s the rub, this lady did not waste 2 seconds of her time lamenting the Facebook termination, goor riddance to bad garbage, but Ford was so livid that some folks don’t think like him that he had to go all “dear diary” and write about it, virtue signalling to all his butt packing buddies what a cultural warrior he is.

  5. My high school class is having a reunion this year. In California. In the Bay Area. They are all but begging people to come. I am not going.

    There has been a political divide in my class. I had one friend with whom I got along with very well but had some definite differences but we still got along very well. We were friends on FB but he dropped me. Just about anyone else wouldn’t have bothered me but he did.

    Some people just can’t help but find something nasty to say about the President. He is accused of things for which no proof has been put forth while people for who. There is evidence against are treated like pillars of virtue.

    It is sad.

  6. Ever notice how in a group of people — whether you know them or not — someone has to bring up politics. It’s as though that is the only thing going for them, the one thing that defines them. We had some very Progressive friends (had them before the Great Divide started) who, no matter what the occasion, had to denigrate conservatism (after the Great Divide), knowing full well where we stood on issues. On the one hand they “loved” us, yet on the very same hand they sought out every opportunity to beat us up over our political views. And the funny thing was, we never brought up politics with them. After one stormy/awkward/hurt feelings episode I pointed that out to the guy. Progtards are the nastiest, most intolerant, arrogant people I’ve ever known, without exception. And the strangest part of all is they never know what the hell they’re even talking about. Their facts come from the same three sources: NPR, NYTs, and CNN/MSNBC. Oh, and Colbert. I’ve never known any of them to think outside that box.

  7. I had some friends here in the Ozarks… I didn’t talk politics, or much else for that matter (I’m a listener and not much of a talker).

    They (husband and wife) are staunch Church people. Neither one would say shit if they stepped in it. Anyway, the conversation of economics came up and they lamented the current (Obama years) situation. I mentioned that the Ozarks were thriving before Obola, and that now (a year after Obola) things were starting to pick back up. Ava was no longer a fucking ghost town with noting but custom for the wallyworld, the liquor store, and the McDonald’s. Stores that had been empty for eight years were finally getting a new coat of paint and some sort of enterprise.

    Their eyes bugged out. “Obama?”

    I didn’t hear from them for a year.

    I never even said, “Obama is a worthless, treasonous piece of fucking dogshit…”. I simply stated that the Ozarks took a beating under Obola’s Treasonous rule. I didn’t even say that.

    Oh well. I still think they are good people. I should have kept my mouth shut.

  8. My job is to fix shit. Cars, trucks, tractors, electrical shit, guitars…

    G-d gave me this. My job is to fix shit, play the guitar, and sing. Some day I will understand this. I can’t make heads or tails of it now… but…

    Why was I chosen for this? All I can say is it’s G-d’s doing.

  9. Ozarks Anonymous – if your friends are truly church people they would have been repelled by the Obola Admin’s vendetta against the Christian & Jewish religions.

    I have a feeling they are CINO Christian In Name Only, going to church to be seen as God-fearing by other folks.

  10. I hate to think that, Mr Lovell, but sadly I think you hit the nail on the head.

    That’s the dichotomy, I guess. I knew them before I knew their political slant, and I love them. I don’t care that they supported Obola, except in some academic sense.

    Two of my favorite people in the world are staunch Democrats. Whatever.

    One of my favorite people at ABC was a big faggot. He is a good guy. Logical. Intelligent. His faggotness never entered the equation. I guess he’d hate me too if he ever found out I was a closet Constitutional Republican.

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