President Trump says he’ll invite the press to see migrant detention centers – IOTW Report

President Trump says he’ll invite the press to see migrant detention centers


President Trump told reporters he will invite members of the media to tour the immigrant detention centers that have been scrutinized over their conditions in recent weeks.

“What we’re going to do is I’m going to start showing some of these detention centers because — to the press. I want the press to go in and see them,” Trump said Sunday before boarding Air Force One.

Trump said he spoke with acting Director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement Mark Morgan and acting Secretary of Homeland Security Kevin McAleenan to plan for the press to visit the centers.

“We’re going to have some of the press go in because they are crowded, and we’re the ones complaining about they’re crowded,” he continued. “They’re crowding because people come up, but now thanks to Mexico, it’s slowing down greatly, and I think you’ll start seeing some very good numbers. But it is crowded. But we want to have the press go in and see because you know what The New York Times it really is fake news.”

The Times article Trump was referring to was about the migrant detention center in Clint, Texas, that was published Saturday. The story described “outbreaks of scabies, shingles and chickenpox were spreading among the hundreds of children” and how many of the areas where border patrol kept the migrants were overcrowded. WATCH

7 Comments on President Trump says he’ll invite the press to see migrant detention centers

  1. You mean they have been reporting on the “terrible conditions” without having seen them?
    Have they been depending on the afflicted AOC,Omar,and ilk for their reporting?
    Talk about fake news. FFS!

  2. It’s not the Hilton. It’s a fucking Detention Center.

    What the fuck is it these clowns don’t understand?

    This isn’t breakfast-in-bed, fucking Evian water, and candies in every dish. IT’S A FUCKING DETENTION CENTER!

  3. Don’t want to be locked up, don’t trespass where you’re not invited.
    Seems pretty clear to me.
    Why is it our responsibility to put uninvited ‘guests’ up at the Mariott?
    Or anywhere, for that matter?


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