Canada: Quebec man dies after being run over by improperly-parked police vehicle – IOTW Report

Canada: Quebec man dies after being run over by improperly-parked police vehicle

Toronto Sun: MONTREAL — Quebec’s police watchdog is investigating after the death of a 58-year-old man who was run over by an empty police cruiser in northern Quebec. more

9 Comments on Canada: Quebec man dies after being run over by improperly-parked police vehicle

  1. Oops – I didn’t read the article. Every time I do that it comes back to bite me in the @ss.

    From the headline, I was just picturing those clueless people in the grocery store parking lot who see other people backing out of a spot and walk in back of their car anyway – usually while looking at their cell phone – because it’s become someone else’s responsibility to watch where you’re going.

    BFH has his bicyclists, I have my clueless wanderers.

  2. “Police left to arrest the suspected aggressor, but failed to properly park their vehicle,”

    The driver failed to properly park the vehicle. Let’s stay focused on that.

    Does Canada have Somali cops, too?

  3. I didn’t read the article but I remember running the streets in Quebec years ago.
    They have hills that rival San Francisco and not near the needles and human shit to dodge…


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