Hmmm… Gavin Newsom says nice things about Trump – IOTW Report

Hmmm… Gavin Newsom says nice things about Trump

American Thinker:

It’s a rare Democrat who says nice things about President Trump. Especially when that Democrat is considered an obvious future candidate for president and possesses a strong fundraising base.

Yet, there was California Governor Gavin Newsom, who, after touring the earthquake damage in Southern California, had some rather positive things to say about the POTUS after a pro-forma note that they disagree on some issues.

 “There’s no question we don’t agree on everything, but one area where there’s no politics, where we work extremely well together, is our response to emergencies…. He’s committed in the long haul, the long run, to help support the rebuilding efforts” the governor said of President Trump.


11 Comments on Hmmm… Gavin Newsom says nice things about Trump

  1. Newsom will run for POTUS in 2024. He knows incumbents usually win particularly when they have a roaring economy and have attempted to complete their campaign promises.

  2. Didn’t californya receive federal tax money to subsidize their ‘high speed’ rail project? And didn’t that project get canceled? And didn’t President Trump ask for the money back? And he was told they were going to keep it? He might be thinking Trump might tell them to use that money for relief first. Probably wouldn’t happen, but he might be doing that.
    Something about ‘throwing good money after bad’ There should be a clarification and a committal to refund the other/previous monies that are no longer properly appropriated.

  3. DJT Jr needs to be careful about his involvement with his Ex (Kimberly).
    I wouldn’t want to stick something into areas formerly occupied by any part of Gavin.

  4. “When the Hun is out and down,
    He’s the humblest man in town.

    But when he mounts and holds the rod,
    He has no love for man or God.”

    -Ib Melchior, “The Haigerloch project”

  5. Screw Newsom and screw California. They realize their shithole state is about to slip into the Pacific and are greasing us for a handout. Sorry Gavin I only contribute to Americans and that ain’t you.

  6. He knows he’s gonna need those federal $$$ when the big one hits. I guess not all democrats are completely stupid. But, I’m sure someone in CA will try to blame the quake on global warming that was exacerbated by Trump’s policies, because, as we all know, mother nature really gives a fuck about temporal human politics.

  7. Yeah – but look at what he was saying about Trump less the 2 weeks ago. Nothing good. As soon as he gets what he wants, it’ll be back to the bad mouthing and blaming Trump for Newsome’s own failures even after receiving tons of money – that will no doubt go straight into his and his croney’s pockets. Just like with Puerto Rico.


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