Judge Blocks Trump from Forcing Drug Makers to Reveal Prices – IOTW Report

Judge Blocks Trump from Forcing Drug Makers to Reveal Prices

Federal Circuit judge blocks President Trump from forcing drug makers to reveal prices in their advertising.

But D.C. Circuit Judge Amit Mehta did so by saying a regulatory agency doesn’t have authority to require this: Congress must pass a law. How can conservatives grapple with two objects of their desire in conflict — the end of Obamacare, and a commitment to Constitutional separation of powers.

14 Comments on Judge Blocks Trump from Forcing Drug Makers to Reveal Prices

  1. It would be so nice if President Trump would ignore the courts just like Obama. But then that would make him ‘like Obama’ which he can’t do. He is trying to right the wrongs of Obama.

    But it’s so frustrating!!

  2. Hmm, that sneaky Trump! Imagine, trying to force some transparency. He truly has some hidden motives.

    Meanwhile CNN tonight is trying to push that Obama Care is still alive and well And it should be called “Obama-Biden Care”.
    Guaranteed that the CNN anchors all have PREMIUM PRIVATE HEATHCARE but everyday they try to push the unfunded Democrat false promise.

  3. when the Court is against everything a President does, it is an out-of-control court. Constitutionally, the only entity that can control this ‘extra-judication’ is Congress.

    unfortunately, Congress has been bought by Oligarchs a long time ago & has become 535 disfunctionally irrelevant whores.

    PDT has a hard row to hoe

  4. You guessed it. Obama appointee in the DC District Court. Mehta is behind many of the court blocked Court decisions you hear of. The man is an Obama planted land mine.

    All posts about the court stymieing a Trump initiative should state the judge’s name and by whom the judge was appointed. The actual headline should read ANOTHER TRUMP INITIATIVE BLOCKED BY OBAMA APPOINTED JUDGE.


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