Bozell: Media’s Hatred of Trump ‘Will Cost Them Everything;’ ‘I Think They’re Dead’ – IOTW Report

Bozell: Media’s Hatred of Trump ‘Will Cost Them Everything;’ ‘I Think They’re Dead’

CNS: The liberal media’s zeal to take down President Donald Trump will doom their industry, Media Research Center (MRC) President Brent Bozell told the 2019 Western Conservative Summit in Denver, Colorado on Friday.

“What’s the future of the news media? Ladies and gentlemen, I think they’re dead,” Bozell told his audience, predicting that the media’s refusal to give up their vendetta against Trump will, ultimately, “cost them everything”:

“They want this man removed. They’re not going to remove him, so they want to defeat him from office – and it will cost them everything.

“I’m asked: ‘What’s the future of the news media?’ Ladies and gentlemen, I think they’re dead.”

Bozell cited CNN’s abysmally low audience numbers as an example of the media’s demise, noting that the cable network currently has fewer viewers than the nation has witches, pet chicken owners, and prostitutes: more

14 Comments on Bozell: Media’s Hatred of Trump ‘Will Cost Them Everything;’ ‘I Think They’re Dead’

  1. The industry is already ‘doomed.’ It was destroyed on the tail of Bush2, and laid to rest during the diaper-changing of obama and the laughable glamorization of the beast he drags around with him. It was dug a further six feet under in 2016, where it remains today, rotting further.

  2. how’s that old saying go? My death has been greatly exaggerated. Do you honestly think what’s going on with congress and illegals would be possible without the media? Do you think demonrats could steal elections without the media? They ain’t goin nowhere and soros and the kochs will see to that.

  3. Their audience is sick of seeing themselves get smacked upside the head with a hard dose of reality when confronted in reality. Just think if you’ve been told it’s normal to chop off your cock and man causes warming, not the sun, and the like. Then set yourself on a walkabout in public and come across someone that has an ounce of common sense, one ounce more than you. You cry, shout at the sky, and do silly things that you think make a difference, but you realize in the end you’ve been lied to and manipulated, it makes you feel embarrassed to be you. Reality has a weird way of creeping in like that. But the media tolls on, ringing their bell, insisting they aren’t fake.

  4. The MSM has been dead for years…and if FOX doesn’t thin out some of those commie bitches in their herd they’ll be circling the drain soon as well!

  5. We know what the “News” media is. They’re only half the problem. The other half of the problem wuz identified 150 years ago by P.T. Barnum who said: “There’s a sucker born every minute”
    They’re selling their “News” to a sucker a minute and the Left is working overtime to make more Suckers! So long as there are Suckers, there will be a CNN for them!

  6. The Weather Channel DOES give a wrong forecast every day! They talk about glo-BULL climate warming change as if it were REAL, every day! 😳

    Of course, it’s owned by NBC, sooooo… 😳 😳

  7. Bob M.

    Speaking of News…How bout dat ass whoopin the CUBS put on the bucs

    this Afternoon ?

    When the Cubs sweep the Series Tomorrow…You’ll be off My

    sh*tlist…. 🙂


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