The Republic Is Collapsing: The Time to Act Is Now – IOTW Report

The Republic Is Collapsing: The Time to Act Is Now


Commenting on Rush Limbaugh’s passionate denunciation of the spirit of anti-American leftism that is destroying the country, Lloyd Marcus, who blogs at The Unhyphenated American, agrees that the time has come to say “No!” He concludes, with Limbaugh, “It is time that we take action to take back our country. It is time that we say no to anti-American traitors and anti-biblical cultural assassins.”

This is a sentiment that cannot honorably be refuted. The problem is trying to decide what saying “No!” actually means. Merely saying “No!” is obviously a futile gesture and will produce little to nothing in the way of results. The question is how to translate “No!” into action. Debate and discussion with any of the manifestations of the left is a non-starter since the left does not debate or discuss. It adheres to a rigid orthodoxy that will allow no reconsideration or reflection on the putative axioms it regards as sacred. It is, in essence, the contemporary version of Bolshevism. The left will lie, slander, cheat and commit violence to further its goals. Its mind is deadbolted shut.

How, then, to say “No!” such that it realistically leads to discernible and effective consequences? Rhetoric won’t do it. The expression of noble sentiment won’t do it. Hand-wringing won’t do it. Prayer may, or may not, be a powerful factor; Lincoln is reputed to have said: “I have been driven many times upon my knees by the overwhelming conviction that I had nowhere else to go.” But one recalls the Frank Loesser song, “Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition.” Remaining content with radio talk, podcasts, interviews, essays and articles that alert the public to the impending disaster, though not to be scanted, is only a necessary first step. Delivering an angry vote may stave off the brunt of the calamity for an interval, but will not significantly alter the dynamics. The answer is that a meaningful response requires material and demonstrable presidential action, as Lincoln knew in a time of national disintegration. Nothing less will do. Whether we like it or not, restitution now rests with Donald Trump.

In the present situation, the trouble is that Trump’s greatest virtue—arbitration, diplomacy, compromise, carrot-and-stick—is also his critical vice. He may be excellent on trade and the economy, but does not seem to understand that on the home front in today’s political and cultural climate, the art of the deal does not work. The Democrats in their current disposition are not interested in dealing. Antifa is not interested in negotiating. A totalitarian plutocrat like George Soros, who as a youth collaborated with the Nazis and is proud of it, is not interested in consultation. The media are not interested in reporting the truth.

The Democrats, for example, are no longer an established political party but a revolutionary organism bent on scrapping the Constitution. Antifa is a guerilla outfit reminiscent of Hitler’s Brown Shirts, the Red Brigade and Baader-Meinhof. The media have become outright propaganda bullhorns for the left. None of these are trading partners. They are not economic rivals. They are not foreign nations that have to take American military power and punishing tariffs into account. They are fifth columns that are irremediably corrupt, extremist by nature, and absolutely relentless. more

h/t PHenry

22 Comments on The Republic Is Collapsing: The Time to Act Is Now

  1. Whoa – this guy goes off the rails when he starts with Trump’s not getting the situation. He gets it as much as anyone.

    WE have been the dummies electing as reelecting GOP rats, when we could have booted them out and replaced them with Tea Party patriots, or the likes of Trump.

    Yes, we are in a war for our way of life. Don’t anyone go pussy on us now.

  2. I’m not advocating violence or sedition but I’ve often wondered about the salubrious effect on the thinking of our government of seeing a million or two million armed people marching though the streets of Washimgton. No shooting just a peaceful march demonstrating our presence, our strength and our resolve.

  3. Trump can start by pulling his support for McConnell in the 2020 race. Supporting him is supporting the swamp and he needs to be put out with the trash along with his gaggle of followers.
    Also, we are seeing open and in-you-face sedition being committed by the dems, bring charges and arrest them.
    There is no more time for looking the other way.

  4. The article was quite accurate. This nation needs a Gen. William T. Sherman not a Gen. George B. McClellan. We need arrests of treasonous congresspeople and judges, declaring Antifa and muslim groups as Terrorist orgs. and Martial Law with troops on the border just for a start. This Country is on the edge of a precipice and The Art of the Deal ain’t cutting it. Sun Tzu is what is needed NOW.

  5. “Merely saying “No!” is obviously a futile gesture and will produce little to nothing in the way of results. The question is how to translate “No!” into action.”

    I can see no way to do this, the Left has won and nothing is going to change that. America is destroyed as surely as Goliath was defeated the instant that David released the stone from his sling and fate was determined at that point.

  6. “Antifa is a guerilla outfit reminiscent of Hitler’s Brown Shirts, the Red Brigade and Baader-Meinhof.”

    “Antifa is a guerilla outfit reminiscent of Hitler’s Brown Shirts, the Red Brigade, Baader-Meinhof, and Stalin’s Antifa.”

    There, fixed it for ya.
    You’re welcome.

    “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”
    (dead white dude)

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. All government processes are almost completely corrupted or broken now. Not much left but the mere appearance of functionality, and even that is fading. The engine is seized, we’re coasting to a hard stop. Few see it coming, much less are braced for impact.

    If DJT sees things as they actually are, he needs badly to say it for the good of what remains. Call it what it is. Call them what they are. He’ll win in a bigger landslide than Reagan.

    What he does, or is able to do then…?

  8. …we know the answer. We’ve known it for 243 years.

    We’re just not willing to do it.

    At least, not YET.

    …but it’s coming…

    “That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. ”

    -The Declaration of Independence

  9. Trump will eventually be gone from Power and it will be racist, grounds for firing, loan calling, shaming, ridicule vote or be Conservative from all of the Media outlets. Voices of Truth will be banned and fake news and propaganda will replace reality. Only Progressives will represent the Government, not the People. After 8 years of perfecting the new America and bringing in 60 million new low IQ voters, the murders, under all pretenses and by all means, will begin. History repeats because memory dies, relics to remind us of history are torn down and Facebook et all will then rewrite reality and present a new one…

  10. SECEDE

    Fall back, consolidate, strengthen, and watch your enemies crumble as they don’t actually make anything, they destroy. Then when you are strong, and they are week, you slowly start taking back what should have been yours to begin with. It make take 50 years to reclaim it. It may take 100, but it will be reclaimed, but you have to let your enemies not be fed and strengthened by your hard work. Secede, and let the fruits of your labor be for you, and starve them out.

  11. “Nowhere else to go,” like when Hillary asked then future President Trump the ‘yes’ or ‘no’ question of would he respect the results of the election — and he replied, “Maybe.”

    “Go your own way.” — Fleetwood Mac

  12. “If any state in the Union will declare that it prefers separation… to a continuance in union… I have no hesitation in saying, ‘let us separate.’”
    -Thomas Jefferson, 1826

    If it’s cool with TJ, let’s get on with it.

  13. Although I agree with the sentiment and recognize the urgency for action, facile bumper sticker slogans like Kill Them All, Lock and Load, and Secede are empty blather and do nothing to move the ball forward.

    A recognition that our American society is slowly collapsing, where conservative principals like the existence an enduring moral order, an adherence to the principals of prudence (public measures judged by long term consequences and not short term gratification), that Judeo-Christian beliefs shaped the thinking of the Founding Fathers, and that our natural rights (privacy, property, freedom to worship, and the right to chart our own destiny) are not granted by government only secured, all these beliefs are losing in the court of public opinion. They are being replaced by promises of free stuff and being taken care of, supported by those on the left. At present they have the biggest megaphone.

    As to what we can do, just a couple of suggestions;
    First, forewarned is forearmed, so in this vein, we need to stay informed and stay on top of the issues.
    Instead of giving money to politicians with little conviction and even less will to act, donate to the institutions that fight for what we believe; The American Center for Law and Justice, The Heritage Foundation, Judicial Watch, The Eagle Forum, and The Alliance for Defending Freedom.
    Become your own watchdog and publisher, carry your phone with you everywhere and when you see violence, milkshake throwing, thug-like behavior from the left, record it and publish it.
    Lastly, we need to start suing the shit out of all these offenders, starting with the police agencies that fail to do their duty and defend the public. This ceding the public square to the mob, that’s baloney. Demand accountability, with threat of suit, to those in power, the cops, the DA’s to prosecute the ANTIFA thugs, get them on video so they can be sued personally.

  14. The Democrats are not interested in dealing. They are interested in everybody submitting to their will. And Trump’s greatest vice is that he does not recognize this? He recognizes it alright. He lays offers on the table while going about doing what needs to be done. The Dems can either get on board or look mighty foolish when they don’t.

  15. Ya know, I was concerned that 0bama would try to remain president at the end of his term. I was relieved that he didn’t.

    Now, I would accept President Trump if he remained president after his term. Trump is the last patriotic, American president.

    The next president from either party will become a tyrant. He will perceive that conservatives, Christians and Jews are his enemy, declaring that it is “open season” on us.

    No matter how the elections turn out, there WILL be war.

  16. I had an opportunity to reread the last inaugural invitation, which states in the second sentence:

    “This special occasion celebrated the triumph of our democracy with the peaceful transition of power and the shared ideal which makes its continuance possible.”

    This specific language or sentiment like it has been included in the president’s official inauguration invitation since George Washington.

    We have experienced many “historic” events since POTUS Trump was sworn in, but there is one event that we should not be experiencing: that the Democrat party (in all its permutations) have not allowed a peaceful transition of power at all. Unfortunately, the only other president to experience such mighty resistance to his presidency was Lincoln — and then a Civil War in which hundreds of thousands of Americans were robbed of their lives and livelihoods because the Democrat faction of this country would not brook a peaceful transition of power.

    I have always been more hopeful of “things working out”, but I have to admit that it is becoming increasingly obvious that the Left would rather die fighting for the things they espouse — but they would much more rather kill us before they make that sacrifice. I think unless there is divine intervention we will see a lot of terrible violence before this is over.


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