Ilhan Omar Marriage Flummoxes Media Fact-Checkers – IOTW Report

Ilhan Omar Marriage Flummoxes Media Fact-Checkers

She refuses to talk about it.

WFB: Media outlets scrambled to prove false the accusation that Rep. Ilhan Omar (D., Minn.) married her brother after President Donald Trump mentioned it, but none have been able to definitively reach an answer, largely due to Omar’s unwillingness to provide information.

Trump was asked about the accusation that Omar’s husband, Ahmed Nur Said Elmi, was also her brother during a scrum with reporters last Wednesday and said he had heard talk that she married her brother but knew “nothing about it.”

National media had largely kept away from judging the merits of the accusation that she was related to her second husband, which have circulated since her entry into politics in 2016, but after Trump’s comment many came to quick conclusions. CNN’s Jim Acosta jumped in immediately to criticize Trump for diving in on “disgusting lies.”  The Daily Beast‘s Will Sommer published a lengthy piece on Friday that did little to nothing to debunk what he calls a “baseless smear.”

The closest thing to evidence against the claim presented in Sommer’s piece is a reference to a time Omar showed a Star Tribune reporter pictures on her cell phone of immigration documents with a list of members of her family. Sommer’s piece fails to mention that Omar declined to provide copies of any of the documents to the reporter or allow him to make record of the information he was briefly allowed to view.

Omar didn’t respond to requests for comment from the Daily Beast. Her congressional office currently is alerting reporters through auto-reply that it’s not responding to press inquiries, including one from the Free Beacon, into whether any other outlets have been shown documents Omar purports to be evidence against the claim she married her brother. more here

24 Comments on Ilhan Omar Marriage Flummoxes Media Fact-Checkers

  1. She knows and the media knows. Eventually, one of the LSM shows that is suffering in ratings is going to have to talk about this. LMAO!

    The more she refuses to answer, the more pressure. Heh.

  2. And this is were it will die; ‘Trump is a smear artist and Omar is innocent victim’. Unless some Sweet Polly Purebred out there decides to do some actual reporting. All she would have to do to get the scope on all of her competition would be to contact the guys at Powerline and they can lay out a trail of clues so clear that even Shaggy & Scooby could crack the case sans Scooby snacks and all by themselves.

    Which is to ask how pathetic of a “reporter” is Jim Acosta?

  3. There is a video of her on Youtube driving with her kids unbuckled in a car.
    She is an smug imbecile!

    I would really love to see her get kicked in the face by a goat. It might make her a bit more humble.

  4. She is a Congressperson despite multiple legitimate questions about her legitimacy.

    I, again, have no “standing” to question that because I paid taxes obeyed laws and did much more as a legitimate citizen for 60 years+!

    I’d personally send her back to Shitholia and I won’t be needing any catapult.

  5. Either the gay brother (who no doubt is a devout follower of the prophet, piss be upon him) is not really her brother, which is a real possibility due to rampant immigration fraud in the Somali community (and the “marriage” was there to secure the immigration status the “brother” didn’t get when he got British asylum), or she married her brother and applied for his residency based on the sham marriage.
    Either way, she committed immigration fraud and is eligible for her citizenship to be revoked!
    The crickets you hear in the background are courtesy of ICE not doing a damn thing about it then, now, or in the future.
    Pardon me while I puke.

  6. ” largely due to Omar’s unwillingness to provide information. …. ”

    Seems to me that no one is unwilling to provide information that would prove a hated opponent wrong and themselves innocent of wrongdoing, only information that would prove him right and prove their own guilt would be withheld.

  7. Kcir
    JULY 22, 2019 AT 4:51 PM

    “I would really love to see her get kicked in the face by a goat. It might make her a bit more humble.”

    …the goat would make her humble anyway, since she KNOWS it’s her brotherhusband’s FIRST wife…

  8. Supernightshade;
    “…the goat would make her humble anyway, since she KNOWS it’s her brotherhusband’s FIRST wife…”
    Her so called husband is bisexual anyway, he likes goats and sheep.

  9. “…pictures on her cell phone of immigration documents with a list of members of her family.”

    she probably provided a list of the members of her family (father, sister herself) that had changed their names and came into the US as members of another family. ‘omar’ is not her real last name. It is ‘elmi,’ the same as her brother’s. Her brother and another sister did not change their names and emigrated to the UK. Her father was a ‘teacher of teachers’ for the corrupt somali government which is essentially a propagandist. They fled somalia to avoid his prosecution.

  10. “…Omar showed a Star Tribune reporter pictures on her cell phone of immigration documents…”

    Pretty much what Barky did when Trump forced him to cough up a Birth Certificate. Omar gets more like him every day.

  11. Thirdtwin
    JULY 22, 2019 AT 6:46 PM
    ““…Omar showed a Star Tribune reporter pictures on her cell phone of immigration documents…”

    Pretty much what Barky did when Trump forced him to cough up a Birth Certificate. Omar gets more like him every day.”

    …well, they ARE both foreign- born Muslims, and the Ummah that pray (to Satan) together, STAY together, at least as far as their fake stories are concerned…

  12. …Which is to ask how pathetic of a “reporter” is Jim Acosta?

    How many tens maybe hundreds of thousands of pathetic losers have received “journalism” degrees because they weren’t smart enough to accomplish something productive?

  13. “…none have been able to definitively reach an answer, largely due to Omar’s unwillingness to provide information.”

    This is how you determine truth. Just ask the one accused of fraud, “Did you do it?” If she just said no that would be proof for our media. Because, Democrat.

  14. The Daily Mail has a piece on the brother part of her brotherfucker arrange,ent and he’s strolling along a beach at some rustic resort without a care in the world in his stylish shorts, Sunday and Sunday glasses.

    His lunch cost $4 and his beer cost $2. They ask questions of a security guard but these crack reporters somehow can’t ask the man himself if he married his sister to defraud our immigration laws.

  15. Judicial Watch just took this case on. With low popularity in her district and now an investigation of tax, campaign, and immigration fraud, not to mention her other assholish ways- Her problems are just getting started.


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