Cannabis Use Connected to Worsening Memory, Slower Reaction Time: Study – IOTW Report

Cannabis Use Connected to Worsening Memory, Slower Reaction Time: Study

Epoch Times:

Regular use of cannabis can cause decreased performance in both memory and reaction speed compared to people who don’t partake of the drug, a recent study from McMaster University has found.

McMaster researchers took data collected from the participants of the Human Connectome Project, a U.S.-based study focused on the biology of the human brain, and used the people who had tested positive in a urine drug screening for tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), a psychoactive chemical found in cannabis. They then examined these people’s performance results on a series of cognitive tests in comparison to the results of people who hadn’t tested positive in the screening.

The results showed a significant relationship between cognitive performance and the use of cannabis—namely, that those who used cannabis performed worse on tests related to episodic memory and reaction time.

Although the research suggests that these effects don’t persist once THC has left the body, psychiatry professor James Mackillop, who led the study, says the drug can “stay in your system for a month if you’re a heavy user.” Cannabis is different to alcohol in that it is digested slowly, meaning that it has the capability to remain in a user’s bloodstream for long periods of time after ingestion.

“There are clear lingering effects,” MacKillop told The Toronto Star. “Not huge and not everywhere, but lingering effects nonetheless. If the stakes are very high and split-second performance really matters, these small effects could be meaningful.” more here

25 Comments on Cannabis Use Connected to Worsening Memory, Slower Reaction Time: Study

  1. Thus, Justine Trudeau!

    His mother openly stated that she is doing much better dealing with her mental issues since she stopped using cannabis.
    (circa 2007)
    This is not a joke. It is a fact that she has been on several speaking tours promoting mental health.

    But in Canada, it is now legal, taxed and easier to access than ever. I routinely am driving from call to call watching billows of smoke exiting car windows on the highway in Toronto.

  2. …hmm, I wonder if they’ll find a correlation between marajuana use and the disappearance of salty snacks from the cupboards of the users house after inhalation next…

    …maybe I should ask for a grant to study THAT, if not…

  3. I have long felt that the reason there is a move to get people taking/eating/smoking marijuana is so they will be numb and passively submit to what the government wants to do.

  4. None of this was allowed to be discussed before states started legalizing it and the British have been all over it. CBS promoted the hell out of Colorado push for legal pot.

  5. Sigh.
    Piss off you reefer madness f__ktards,
    Yours is the ONLY generation warped by the 1930 reefer psyops you still live under to this day.

    Cannabis has been used for more than 10,000 Centuries.

  6. “Of course it does.
    Try discussing a subject on anytyhing with a pothead: it’s a one-way street. ”

    Been smoking pot for fifty years and forgot already who I was addressing this comment to. Oh, that’s right, it’s Anonymous. So Anonymous, what would you like to have a one way discussion about? How about online personas? Oh that’s right, you don’t have one. I forgot. I better lay off the weed.

  7. Sorry Scott Adams — Pothead Extraodinaire

    What I am now reading is, “Tell Your Children: The Truth About Marijuana, Mental Illness, and Violence,” by Alex Berenson. It’s pretty scary.

  8. I believe alcohol has the same effect on people but maybe worse. Alcohol is bad on the bodies organs like the liver, pancreas, brain and kidneys. Cannabais affects the brain and the ability to function. But that’s the whole idea of smoking pot. It makes you chill-out, forget about what’s happening to this country by people who are drunk with power.


    “Anonymous” is easy to remember – no real name involved. Have another toke!

    RadioMattM July 24, 2019 at 4:37 pm

    I have long felt that the reason there is a move to get people taking/eating/smoking marijuana is so they will be numb and passively submit to what the government wants to do.

    What’s wrong with that? The government is going to have their way with you whether you’re numb, mellowed out, or pleasingly spaced out. I guess when they come knocking, I’ll great them buck naked with a parrot on my head. They’ll leave and not be bothered with an old lady like me. 🙂

  9. Wow, how the hell much money did this study cost? I knew that when I smoked weed back in my late teens and I could have given them that conclusion for a tenth of the cost or a few doobies man!

  10. Well, considering herb was ‘legal’ prior to 1937, uhh kinda like alcohol during Prohibition, and is now being re-legalized (if by States) as alcohol was albeit briefly, that certainly does say something about what the government can “giveth it can takeith” away.

    Said it once, I’ll say it til I’m blue in the face, I have met and hung out with LOUD and violent drunks in the past, NEVER hung out with a violent or loud ‘pothead’.

    For those that do not partake, I say please be careful in the rhetoric, I see this discussion similar to the 2A ‘argument’, IN that, please, DO NOT even talk about the 2A until you have at least held a weapon never mind shot one. Same goes for herb use or not use of.

    The movie Reefer Madness was 1936ish? Marijuana Stamp Act 1937?

    Coincidence much?? Propaganda maybe?

    Concentrate on the meth and the fetanol epidemic.

    Next state to legalize will be NY. They are loosing too much business to Mass. The crooks in NY and NYC just have to figure out who will benefit and how to TAX and regulate.

  11. I’m betting that the addiction to electronic gadgets; such as smart phones, or iPad-like devices or GPS, has similar negative effects.

    There are several books about it. One is – “Irresistible – the rise of addictive technology and the business of keeping us hooked”, by Adam Alter.

    You can read in the prologue, using the look-in-side feature, of the kindle version – about how in Jan 2101 Steve Jobs introduced the iPad in a 90 minute presentation – as the most extraordinary device. The best way to search the internet, listen to music, do online classes, etc, better than a laptop.

    Yet later admitted to a journalist, he does not allow his children to use one. Neither does former editor of Wired, Evan Anderson. Likewise is Evan Williams, founder of twitter, blogger, etc. And several other heads of high tech companies.

    They all follow the principle of drug dealers – never get high on your own supply.

  12. Any Boomer could have told you that shit. We grew up in the 60’s and 70’s and watched friends morph into mentally challenged train wrecks. It was also a lot of fun, but then we grew up & stuff.

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