Robert Mueller Testifies on Trump-Russia Report Findings – IOTW Report

Robert Mueller Testifies on Trump-Russia Report Findings



This is remarkable. Mueller can’t answer key questions, seems unaware of basic information, and admitted he denied exoneration of Trump over a standard that doesn’t exist.

No one needs to discredit this process. Team Mueller and House Democrats are discrediting it by themselves.

See what’s going on.

104 Comments on Robert Mueller Testifies on Trump-Russia Report Findings

  1. I’m really not paying anything more that minor attention to this since the outcome is already known.

    What’s that outcome?

    Easy, everybody will hear what they want to hear and ignore everything they don’t.

  2. Democrats: “Mr. Mueller, the president wanted to fire you, didn’t he?”
    Mueller: “Yes he did!”

    Republicans: “Mr. Mueller, DID the president fire you?”
    Mueller: “Um, can you repeat the question?”
    Republicans: “DID the president fire you?”
    Mueller: “Um, what page of the report was that from?”
    Republicans: “DID the president fire you?”
    Mueller: “I can’t answer that, that’s beyond my purview”

  3. Herr Mueller: ‘is Innocent until proven guilty still a bedrock of our legal system’? Yes! Herr Mueller: Has President Trump been proven guilty guilty of any crime? No, But he isn’t been proven innocent either! Herr Mueller: So even if he is not proven guilty of any crime he is still not innocent right? Right, whats the matter with you people can’t you follow simple Democrap logic?

  4. We paid upwards of 30+ million tax dollars to that inept Assclown and his merry band of leftist cruds for a two year fantasy ridden party and butt rubbing exercise! Man, I wants me some reparations back!

  5. Meuller has been exposed as a phoney lying deep state piece of shit. I hope he enjoyed all those accolades at the beginning.

    I think it’s the last time he will be hearing about his GOLDEN LEGACY for the rest of Time. Was it worth it?

    Can you repeat the question?

    Meuller is turning into John Kerry right in front of our eyes.

  6. Ted Lieu must put his head in one of those paint shaking machines and all his brains were turned to mush. The race is on to see who can be the biggest pain in Americas’ ass.

  7. At 1120 Meuller refused to answer a question by Rep Cline “AT THIS JUNCTURE”


    There is no future juncture. Meuller is not a Special Counsel any longer. He is not a DOJ employee and he is not trying any future cases. What exact FUTURE JUNCTURE do you speak of Mr. Meuller?

    Answer the question Mr. Meuller.

  8. I read elsewhere that some Dems are concerned that Mueller is losing his faculties”. By the end of this sad spectacle, they’ll be accusing Republicans of pouncing on a poor, mentally-challenged old man. But Article 25 for Drumpf, you know.

  9. …the Democrats are just using it to throw out baseless allegations and unsubstantiated innuendo again.

    As expected.

    If impeachment were a LEGAL process, they CLEARLY have NOTHING.

    …but, since it’s a POLITICAL process, any fantasy will do. Yes, the Senate would be unlikely to convict, but that would be the Dems November issue “oh, those Republicans obstructed our justice on a guilty Trump, give us the Senate and we make bad orange man go ‘way”…

    …at the very least, an impeachment grinds ANY other work in all THREE branches to a halt, gives Democrats unlimited air time to publically make stuff up, and probably wins some lofos over to the dark side, just because of the constant drum beat.

    Say your prayers. Arm up. Load up. This is going to get messy.

  10. If there is ever another dem prez all of these dirty tricks need to be used by repubs agains’t him/her/it, only a thousand times more. Teach these bullies a lesson they’ll never forget. In fact start using it now on every dem in every election. That may not” be who we are” but it’s who I am and I’m fed up.

  11. The United States Government needs to send a bill to the Democrat party in the amount of $35 million dollars for the tax funds they conned the American taxpayers into spending for this farce of a presidential mugging and for holding the ordinary workings of the government hostage for two years, and still counting as of today!

  12. Dianny at the Patriot Retort has said this repeatedly…..The democrats don’t hate Trump, they hate US!….This was one big show that proves that!….They don’t just hate US they hate the USA!!!!!…

    Now democrat fucksticks go find Barry’s birth certificate and prove who his real daddy is…college transcripts wouldn’t hurt either….That, right there is the biggest fraud ever pulled in the history of AMERICA…..

  13. You are witnessing Nicolle Wallace getting Woke.

    Folks like her and MSNBC commentator and anti-Trump Republican Steve Schmidt are coming to the realization that their futures just got much much bleaker.

    Also, just learned about this:
    MSNBC anchor Nicolle Wallace is divorcing her husband of 14 years and dating New York Times reporter Michael Schmidt.

    Bleak from EVERY direction.

    NBC is full of them. Right Joe. Mika. Et Al.

  14. …They’re talking point is, obviously, “No One Is Above The Law”.

    Remind them of that as they stand on the gallows. Make it the tag line, just before “…and may God have mercy on your soul”.

    …that’ll give them something to think about as they start towards their FINAL judgement, just as the rope pulls taut.

    Where they’re going to TRULY find out that NO ONE is above GOD’S law…

  15. Somebody better check Mueller’s pulse. He’s got that Ruth Buzzy Ginsberg stare. He also looks like death eating a cracker. BTW, Has RBG reappeared yet?

  16. It’s difficult to really know your own state representatives. This is eye opening to see all of these idiots in one room and they speak absolute bullshit. These are people that vote for you and me, represent their constituents and they are DUMB as my left boot which I lost in the mud….

  17. @Illustr8r — I don’t know about that, but I’d like to know what are the chances that conservatives will get down on their knees, bow their heads and thank God Almighty for his continued mercy on our worthless souls? 🙂

  18. Mueller gets the Oscar for portraying an innocent senile nice old coot. He may be an old coot, but he is an evil guilty man who was in charge all the way with this coup against the rightly elected President Trump.

  19. “Elected Officials should be held to a higher standard like you Mr. Mueller”
    ~A. Schiff

    Yea Adam Schiff.
    And Mr. Mueller was not elected to anything either.
    And you LIE Mr. Schiff.
    And you LEAK Mr. Schiff.

    F U Mr. Schiff
    U LOSE

  20. Did anyone else notice that after he raised his right hand and swore to tell the truth and nothing but the truth that they forgot (or omitted on purpose) the phrase, “So help me God.” I caught that omission while listening to Dennis Prager this morning and I believe DP noticed its omission as well.

  21. Did you notice near the end of the second hearing, Mueller was starting to rattle off answers with almost no stuttering. The meds they had given him to appear fragile and older was wearing off imho and his trickiness was starting to come through when it all came to an end.

    While I don’t believe he was involved in the investigation day in and day out, I believe his staff inherently did his bidding regardless. He stinks because he didn’t care what innocent person got caught up in his, Obama’s and Hillary’s manhunt.

  22. Missed it, at the Dr. office, they have a rule about news on their TV, it’s a cardiologist office.
    So,,, The Battle of the Little Bigloon is over, did George Armybelly Nadler survive the battle?
    I heard The Repub tribe counted many coup.


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