She’s Not Lovin’ It: Georgia Woman Opens Fire At McDonalds Over Cold French Fries – IOTW Report

She’s Not Lovin’ It: Georgia Woman Opens Fire At McDonalds Over Cold French Fries

Bearing Arms:

No one likes it when the food you’re paying for is cold. At least, not when it’s supposed to be hot, anyway. It’s an irritating and infuriating thing that I’m sure we’ve all had to deal with. It’s also not unusual for someone to get outright furious at the situation.

However, few of us are willing to get violent over it.

According to reports, though, that’s precisely what happened in a Georgia McDonald’s.

22 Comments on She’s Not Lovin’ It: Georgia Woman Opens Fire At McDonalds Over Cold French Fries

  1. It’s McDonald’s what do you expect.
    If perfect quality is your goal, what are you doing there?
    It’s part of the deal, most of us in the sane world just take it back.

  2. McDonald’s fries are pretty much inedible once they have gotten cold. However, there’s no need to use deadly force in a situation where a severe beating would suffice.

  3. We all know there are certainly some people that should never be armed.
    How did she slip through the ‘cracks’?
    She HAS to be a liberal; they’re the one’s that refuse to have a sane and normal conversation.

  4. People need to learn HOW to order fast food.

    Place your NUMBERED menu items

    “I need a Number 1, 3, a 6,”

    Then immediately follow that up with very loud,

    “and I want it HOT, FRESH, and NOW!”

    It would save so much frustration. Your food might be spit on, and if that’s a concern then vocalize that too.

  5. They’re ALWAYS hot at MY local McDonalds! Wanna know WHY? Because the dumb bastards NEVER have ANY french fries ready – ANY time of the day – lunch, afternoon, dinner, or night! 😡

    I hafta STAND there and wait (cos’ I’m sure as shittin’ not gonna idle away 12 gallons of gas in the PARK-thru! 😡 ) 30 minutes, while they LOOK for a bag of fries, study the instructions on HOW to work the deep fryer, grab-ass with each other while listening to CRAP music, and THEN… MAYBE… HOPEFULLY… POSSIBLY… (doubtfully 🙄 )… I MIGHT get my FREAKIN’ FRIES!!!!! 😡 😡 😡

    Are you HEARIN’ ME, McDonalds Store #5180 – O ye of the ALWAYS CRAPTACULAR SERVICE, ALL the time?! 😡


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