Govt. Violates Judge’s Order in General Flynn Case Despite His 2 Years of Cooperation – IOTW Report

Govt. Violates Judge’s Order in General Flynn Case Despite His 2 Years of Cooperation

The Lid:

One of the cases involved in the prosecution of General Michael Flynn has returned a verdict of guilty on Tuesday, but in so doing the government violated Judge Emmet Sullivan’s orders for General Flynn’s cooperation despite that he has fully cooperated for two years.

Federal prosecutors seem to have suddenly decided that Flynn’s testimony ordered by Judge Sullivan would not be beneficial to their case which prevented Flynn from bringing the truth to the court of law as planned.

Apparently, the government did not want to use Flynn’s testimony effectively defecating all over judge Sullivan’s order that they do so.

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On Tuesday, a federal jury convicted Bijan Rafiekian, Gen. Flynn’s former business partner, on a pair of foreign-agent felony charges connected to work the two did for Turkey during the tail of President Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign for president. Flynn would later go on to serve as President Trump’s national security adviser. more here

8 Comments on Govt. Violates Judge’s Order in General Flynn Case Despite His 2 Years of Cooperation

  1. How many people are even aware of this case? Not if you watch network news. This a.m. ABC had another show about bullies! Yeah the people who have been bullying the Prez for 3 years. CBS had another show about race. Now a daily occurrence.
    People have no idea just how corrupt the system is. And some guy was on here yesterday whining about people complaining about the system.


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