Former MSNBC Host Krystal Ball: “Rachel Maddow, you got some explaining to do.” – IOTW Report

Former MSNBC Host Krystal Ball: “Rachel Maddow, you got some explaining to do.”

WA Free Beacon:

Former MNSBC host Krystal Ball criticized her former network Thursday for pushing “conspiracy theories” about Donald Trump and Russia after special counsel Robert Mueller’s disappointing testimony before Congress.

Ball, formerly the liberal host of The Cycle and now host of The Hill’s Rising, asked after Wednesday’s testimony, “How much damage has MSNBC in particular done to the Left?”

Ball stressed that her critique was not a personal attack on her former colleagues, many of whom she still considers friends, but complained that “nearly all of [them] got swept up in the ratings bubble that was feverish Russian conspiracy theories.”

“I dare to say, some talent did drink more deeply of the Russia conspiracy waters than others,” she said. “Rachel Maddow, you got some explaining to do.” more here

9 Comments on Former MSNBC Host Krystal Ball: “Rachel Maddow, you got some explaining to do.”

  1. The Left NEVER explains or apologizes.
    When finally caught in a lie it either
    doubles down, changes the subject or goes
    into ad hominem attacks.
    Saul Alinsky taught them well.

  2. What has MSNBC done to the country? That’s the question. So true that the progs care more about their ideology than their country. The left are ultimately F-ups all by themselves. They didnt need help from MSNBC

  3. “I dare to say, some talent did drink more deeply of the Russia conspiracy waters than others” she said.

    Whose gonna post it?
    Any one?
    Krystal Ball, man.
    Any one?

    Maddow wades weekly in running waters
    Leg strength
    Krystals DC middle age soft
    Monies on Maddow.


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